Discover inner peace and tranquility amidst the chaos of everyday life

Mindfulness and meditation workshops, all proceeds to charity

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Discover practical meditation and mindfulness techniques to:

  • Stop over-thinking and negative spirals and find calm and peace

  • Navigate the chaos of this busy world with a clear mind and positivity  

  • Let go of worry and anxiety and be truly present, mindful and happy

  • Make the most of any given moment with full appreciation and aliveness

  • Be the best version of you and the best role model you can be for your kids and loved ones

This is for you, if you want to:

  • Be calm, centred and rock-solid

  • Do more with more integrity and enjoyment

  • Increase your clarity, intuition, wisdom and perspective

  • Ditch past regret and future worry, limiting beliefs and habits, anxiety and confusion

  • Relax more yet also be more energised and alive

  • Connect with the truly present best version of you

  • Shine bright – be a lighthouse for all your loved ones

  • Find out how to live better and give back to a wonderful cause


Two options:

Monday 8th July at 7pm - 8.30pm, or Saturday 13th July at 10am-11.30am


At Physio42’s new studio, Pear Tree Studio, 40 Newbiggin, Richmond, DL10 4DT


Pear Tree Studio is just along from Physio42, on the site of the old Wilfred’s Canteen.


£20 per seat, with all proceeds going to support the great work of the Sir Robert Ogden Macmillan cancer treatment centre in Northallerton.


Let me have them! Contact me here.

Who is Arjuna?

Originally an outdoor instructor from New Zealand, Arjuna Ishaya has been a monk and meditation teacher since 2003.

Arjuna has given talks and workshops to businesses and organisations as diverse as ASOS and the Department for Education, and has been working with the British military and London’s Metropolitan Police bomb disposal squads since 2016.

He has published two books, lives in Richmond with his family and still gets out kayaking and running in the mountains as much as he can.