Did you know that the average person eats 27 mince pies over the holiday period? I certainly am on track to surpass by a considerable amount.
You may know that I am a salted and fried snack fanatic, Christmas pies are pretty high up on the list. While I can eat chips and crisps all year round, you can not dilly dally with these seasonal pies. At least that’s what I tell myself.
This time of year can be frantic. Just being amongst society can have some sort of “rub-off” effect where you can feel this storm of busy-ness in your bones. What keeps me calm and sane is sticking with the inner presence of stillness, no matter how many things there are on my to do list.
The most important thing to me is presence and calm. But I know they're not an either/or thing with getting stuff done. I do things better, with more energy, creativity and inspiration when I'm connected and centred, not less. You don't have to get frantic to get through your lists.
Remember your why … Why? For me, it's to enjoy and to show love and take a break too. See if you can’t fill each moment with that, rather than only when you get everything done.
I’m changing up my email a little bit. See what you think. Enjoy them pies, stay calm!
Quote I found:
“Waste no more time arguing what a good person should be. Be one.”
— Marcus Aurelius
Worrisome homework topic:
The topic is “Only Worry if it Helps” … and while that might be useless when you’re in the middle of a fully fledged worry hurricane, it’s really an invitation to see your whole patterns around worry – and in that awareness, start to do something different.
Worry is simply a habit. It is. You made it, and you CAN make another one. You can. There is a way out, but it needs to start with a fundamental realisation that what you are doing at the moment isn’t working for you.
Here’s the link:
Instagram post that people seemed to like:
What seems like an obstacle, block or distraction may well be the exact thing that you need.
Facebook video:
A video on a very misunderstood topic: Stop chasing happiness or peace (or anything for that matter)
Longer article:
About the power of asking great questions, in particular great questions you can ask yourself:
The 200% Life Online Summit
Don’t forget to sign up for this free online Summit to help celebrate the release of my new book.
I’m talking with a bunch of experts in their fields about the inner foundations for a happy, successful life. The interviews have been amazing so far.
They'll be on video and audio so you can choose where and when you tune in.
The Summit is live early in the New Year but sign up today so you don’t miss out.
Go well you good thing!