So perhaps a little heavy for a subject line ("What you can learn from people at the end of their lives") ... but I don’t think it has to be. I think it can be rather an inspiring topic.
You see, people at the end of their lives often – not always, but indeed often – have a lot of insight into how they would live if they had their time again.
They have a clarity and perspective about what is truly important and what is merely urgent that many of us don't have when we're slap bang in the middle of the managed chaos of our to-do lists.
I certainly learn a lot from these insights.
The reason I mention it, is that actor Stefan Karl Stefansson recently died of cancer.
I didn’t know him at all, until I saw a quote from him on the internet:
"It's not until they tell you you're going to die soon that you realise how short life is. Time is the most valuable thing in life because it never comes back. And whether you spend it in the arms of a loved one or alone in a prison cell, life is what you make of it. Dream big.”
Here is someone facing their own mortality and realising what is most important: Life itself, here now. This moment.
Dream big too, don't settle for less ... AND don’t lose your life living in that dream. Keep walking towards the life you want, but don’t forget, don’t miss out on, this – right here, right now.
Life is right under your nose and so many people chase another moment they lose all life.
That is the key to all success, all happiness, that perfect balance between fully living in this moment and doing what you personally need to in order to make the next moment one you are proud of.
A 200% life you might call it.
Really, it’s the simplest thing. It requires developing awareness and presence. Of taking a half-step back from the events of your life and your own mind to gain persective.
Simple for sure, but rarely done. Necessary however to live a fully satisfying life.
Go well, live it!
This does require you to slow down. To regularly stop and get present. To rest and recharge. But all so you can live at a higher degree than ever before. Slow down and stop so you can go as fast as possible. Weird but true.
Which may take a bit of trust to do, but the great thing is this:
You only have to trust that if you let go now, everything turns out ok.
I have a free guide with some other cool mindfulness tips. 108 of them in fact: