When people decide to go, and other things

when people decide to go small.jpeg

Yesterday I heard someone I had met recently had committed suicide. The guy who told me was pretty angry about it. Frustrated that his friend had not asked for help, which he would have freely given, and probably regretful too…

“I could have done more, I should have done more.”

Frustration and regret. They come no matter how someone dies. Death always gives you that choice.

A long time ago, in a time like this one, I came to the conclusion that I could not give any room for could and should. I just had to do my best, and not look back. Looking back was like looking into pure pain. It didn’t seem useful to anyone to beat myself up for what I could have done.

Instead I decided to use what had happened as a reminder, as a bolster to my intention to live every single moment in the best possible way. To live in such a manner that regret could not get a toehold. And it's precisely one of the reasons I practice Ascension every single day: so my mind doesn't go down useless and hurtful avenues, so regret-free living becomes automatic, so it’s nothing I have to think about, just who I am.

I heard some beautiful words along these lines the other day from someone regarding death and living, as well as solid advice regarding the feelings and regrets that can swamp you, too.

I was going to try and summarise it, but best you just listen to it.

The guy talking is Jocko Willink, quite a character. He’s an ex-military special forces guy, and has quite an intense line on living. It may seem on the surface that he might not appeal to you (and maybe he does), but give him a listen – especially on this topic.

I had tears in my eyes, they are beautiful words (I prefer just listening, so if you’re the same, plug in your headphones and close your eyes.) Again, this isn't so much about dying, but living.


Weekly homework topic for Ascension/meditation/mindfulness

This is part 2 from last weeks, and is all about the true purpose of any kind of eyes closed practice. People often tell me they fear an Ascension practice will mean that they will become directionless, they’ll lose their edge, they’ll quit being involved in life.

I laugh, kindly (of course), because for me the experience has been the direct opposite. Everything that I don’t need, everything that holds me back gets put in perspective, even vanishes.

Here’s the topic:


What is the price of peace, happiness and freedom?

I think that homework directly led me to write this little post for you:


Quote for the week:

Slightly more than a quote, here it is:

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

some momentary awareness comes

As an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,

who violently sweep your house

empty of its furniture,

still treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out

for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,

meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,

because each has been sent

as a guide from beyond.

— Jalaluddin Rumi, translation by Coleman Barks (The Essential Rumi)

That’s all folks.

Don’t forget The 200% Life Online Course starting at the end of Feb – which is free when you pick up a copy of my book (it’s on Amazon).

Details here: https://www.arjunaishaya.com/200-online-free/

The course will talk you though the steps, the very simple steps, you can put into place in order to get more from life. To not just survive and get by, but truly enjoy all of life.

It’ll be live, but also available after so you can watch in your own time. I’ll explain things, and - I think most importantly - you’ll be practicing some things too.

That’s all.

As always, thanks for making it this far.

Let me know how I can help, and have a spectacular day.

Go well,
