“Please don’t feed the fears.”

“Please don’t feed the fears.”

— Sign found in your mind zoo. The one you don’t read enough.

Christmas, so they say, is all about giving.

But here’s a different take on giving:

What if you gave your fear no attention, no energy, no power at all?

Who would you be without your fear controlling and shaping and making you?

What version of you could you give to the world, minus the handbrake of fear?

What kind of difference would you make, free of fear?

What if you didn’t feed your fears?

The heroes journey in life, should you choose to embark on it, has your relationship with fear at the very centre.

Moving forward in life is rarely comfortable. Fear will try and sway you. Your job is to not give it an inch.

As Marie Forleo beautifully puts it, “Fear is not the enemy. Waiting to stop feeling afraid is”.


What have you been planning but not doing, for fear and its friends uncertainty and procrastination and getting ready?

Time to step up, maybe?

It would be an amazing Christmas gift to the world if you did.

Well done you for simply being willing to look fear in the eye, and not run away.