"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage – to move in the opposite direction.”
— Einstein
The simple is often equated with worthless. In today’s world and its rabid quest to attain and to achieve and for more, the simple is always discarded first.
Yet complexity does not necessary mean better.
Actually, the lack of simplicity (to quote Einstein again) just means you don’t understand deeply enough. Simplicity is the greatest way forward.
One of the most over-looked things in this whole world is the simple act of filling yourself up with presence.
As we talk about it here and now, you may be reminded, you may take the invitation and tune in. You may step out of your head, and into the presence of Now. If you have the Ascension Attitudes, you are blessed as they align you perfectly, cutting through all the noise in your head.
Everything benefits when you arrive to this. Every single part of your life.
The trouble is we don’t trust it.
It’s not difficult enough, not glamorous enough. It doesn’t involve years of gathering knowledge, fancy intellectual thinking or debate, or hard-work. We have to let go of control in order to be it, and that’s tricky for so many.
Trust just for this now that you can let go of the complex, busy life you have in your head, and show up. Give yourself to this moment in time.
Take a deep dive into presence, gather awareness about you. Be less in your head, and more Alive – just like that.
Can life be this simple? Why don’t you find out?
If you never try, you will never see for yourself.
Keep everything perfectly simple.