How fresh do you want it?


It’s so easy to get into a rut, a feeling like every day is just the same old, same old.

But it never needs to be this way.

While you may have a routine and you may not be able to do different things so often, you sure can do the same things differently.

And that makes all the difference.

Waking up to life, as it is, being open and fresh and curious are the keys that change everything.

Freshness is an attitude you can assume, and it’s all part of being present. Having an open mind, an interest, an innocence about even the most “mundane” tasks means boredom becomes a choice.

The truly Alive life is never really so much about what you do, but how you do it.

Be open. Watch those habitual attitudes and judgements try to come in, and be free to choose how fresh you want life to be.

Be curious!