Stop trying to love yourself

“You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.” 

— Rumi

So often I hear people saying that they’re working on loving themselves – and it’s a beautiful and noble thing to do.

There's such a search to become different in some way, and that is as tricky as the thing you're trying to fix.

But here’s a little tweak that will make it so much easier.

Here’s the thing:

Our problem lies in the presence of judgement, not the absence of love.

You are already Enough. Your Being is complete, rich, full, whole.

You truly need nothing.

It just gets covered up by constant chatter, constant evaluation, constant self-management.

Even with good intentions, we judge ourselves unworthy and therefore try so hard to change. It is seeking change that can be part of the problem.

What if you dropped all the trying to become, and simply came back to Yourself?

Arrive here, drop your expectations and judgement and belief.

Here you are already Love. You are the source of Love.

Just be it. Be what you already are.

If you want to love yourself more, return here more.

Prioritise your choice to wake up and be the fullness of who you have always been.

Remember that this is a path of subtraction, of letting go, of surrender; not of addition and gaining.

You need Do so little to become the wholeness of You.


The approach of stepping fresh into an experience where there are no demands to be different is completely do-able.

And the wild thing is that self-acceptance gives you the fertile ground for noticing how amazing you already are. It’s fertile ground for reminding yourself of You.

So, don’t seek to love yourself. Just be.