Am I good enough?

You know that little voice, I’m sure you do, the one that causes you to hesitate, to question and doubt yourself?

Not to be mistaken for the quiet intuition trying to tell you to press pause and truly consider what you’re about to do in greater detail. That’s different.

But there, the core of your ego, affecting everything you do and everything think you are, it’s the foundation of so much judgement and regret and disgust … 

… and it seems so innocent, even useful.

“Am I doing it right?” … the inner child looks around for an adult figure to tell it what to do, to reassure that it’s correct, that they are correct.

“Am I good enough?”

“Am I enough?”

It means our lives get swamped in a losing game of right and wrong. Better and worse. Bolster and secure. Compare, follow the leader, don’t stand out or stand up.

It also means we feel like we have to constantly prove our very existence. (You may want to make the most of your existence and not waste a single moment you’ve been given, but again, that’s different.)

You ARE. It’s a fact. You are enough, otherwise you wouldn’t exist. There’s nothing you have to do to earn that. You already are, you have life, your presence IS life.

Rest in that, be that ... and then: what do you want to do with all the energy you save from worrying about doing life right … trying to BE right?

It’s one big adventure, it’s not an exam. You can’t get it right. It’s a ride. 

There will be plenty to learn and discover, but you’ve got to be willing to explore and play – and you can’t do that when you’re terrified to put a foot wrong, that you are wrong.

Here you are. Nothing to prove, nothing to hide. 

Go well,



I had a talk with a work team recently about adjusting to uncertainty and the challenges of new ways of working. Here’s the highlights:

Hope you enjoy it!