Speaking in silence

“Silence is a privileged entry into the realm of God and into eternal life.

For silence is a language that is infinitely deeper, more far reaching, more understanding, more compassionate, and more eternal than any other language.”
— Meister Eckhart 

We are busy people. There are demands, responsibilities, things we need to do and things we want to do. There is a ton of stuff calling for our attention.

So when Meister Eckhart talks about silence or spiritual masters talk about stillness, it can be easy to confuse this with doing nothing, saying nothing.

Now – nothing is valuable. It recharges you in a way that nothing else can.

Stopping, switching off, taking the half-step back, tuning into the moment and enjoying it for what it is rather than what we think it should be is extremely powerful – especially when you are busy, especially when you are chasing more.

But it’s not “just” moments of completely stopping.

“Less haste, more speed”, as my grandma used to say. The modern day equivalent is that military truism, “Slow is smooth; smooth is fast”.

They (them experts) say that there is always a still, quiet point in the middle of even the wildest storm.

Take note from nature.

Even in the middle of the busiest life, of great striving, let there be contact with inner silence and stillness.

Align, centre, ground yourself in your being. Give yourself something to push off against – a point of contact in unmoving energy and creativity.

Act from there. 

It will give you insight and connection with a force far greater than the little you.

It will inspire you in ways you might have forgotten.

It will bring comfort and guidance and stability in the most chaotic of situations.

It will show you blessings upon blessings, truth upon truth.

It will allow you to bring Quality forth into the world, no matter what you are involved in.

It will guide you to purpose and meaning, always.

You deserve that much, and it’s all right there within you.

You just have to take the time to be with it, and let it move through you.


Go well!
