Make life about someone else

"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."

— Winston Churchill

I, like you, have plans for my day. 

Some of these things are essential.

If I don’t do them, I get in trouble. Tax returns, paying bills, applying for passports early, making money, putting sealant behind the kitchen sink … that kind of thing.

Some of them make me better in myself, and make me a better human – my Ascension practice, exercise, taking time to go outside and breathe fresh air, quality time with my wife, etc.

The rest are just something I want to do because I love them. Hobbies - kayaking, maybe a little reading, cooking new recipes … you know … drinking coffee, eating dark chocolate and hanging out. (But maybe that’s an essential? The line blurs …)

The trouble is I have to balance all these things.

I’m in service too – there’s some little beings and a lovely lady who want and need stuff from me.

Now –

When I remember that, I can adjust and flow and go with what they need. Everyone has a great time, no one gets shouted at.

But when I forget that I am also in service, it all gets hard.

Frustration and resentment set in, tempers get frayed, life isn’t much fun for everyone.

The fact is we are all in service to someone.

If you remember that, life can really come alive.

Life becomes about helping the world be a better place, and that gives a ton of meaning and purpose and satisfaction as well as joy.

In a world of jobs working in huge organisations and systems that are rigid and inefficient and which seem uncaring, it’s so easy to believe you are just a cog in the machine, easily replaceable, not able to do anything truly useful or helpful or to improve things.

In lockdown when it feels like there is so much more to do with such less freedoms, it can be so easy to focus on what is wrong and what you can’t do.

Life can become so frustrating, so easily. You can really lose your sense of joy. “What’s the point?” easily becomes a mantra.

But when you make it about another human, you can see you make a difference, you can see your efforts bring change.

Even if that is “just” a smile.

So consider having a service, “How can I help?” attitude.

Because it makes a difference to YOU, it really does.

Can you do this too much? Of course, life is all about balance … but it’s still an excellent idea.

Go forth!

Help out, be of service. Make at least part of your life about someone else.

And as always,

Go well
