How to live a true and Quality life

“Some people never become who they are; they stop trusting in themselves; they conform to the tastes of others, and they end up wearing a mask that hides their true nature.

If you allow yourself to learn who you really are by paying attention to that voice and force within you, then you can become what you were fated to become – an individual, a Master.”

— Robert Greene

COVID has lead, I would say, to a lot of people searching. I mean, how many self-help books and modern wisdom type podcasts have you read and listened to over the last year compared with any other 12 months in your life?

I think the silver lining of COVID is that a big chunk of us want to do things better. We see we NEED to do things better, otherwise the controllables in life will smack us around.

We feel like we have more in us, that life has more to offer us, if only we knew the source codes.

We want strategy and tactics – a kind of set of rules that will define for us what to do when. Hence people like the Stoics are popular right now with their practical “how to live” philosophy.

And rules and ideas and strategy are useful! They have their place. But there’s a higher, more authentic and true, source of wisdom closer than you think.

What do I mean?

Each and every moment is dynamic. It’s different. The need of the moment constantly changes – and if you want to truly meet the need of each and every moment – which is to say to truly be alive – you need to adapt with each and every moment.

How can you respond freshly if you’re busy wondering what rule or tactic to apply or who to try and be? You can’t. Past experience, prior preparation … again, they have their place, but most importantly, you have to get present and sense what’s required, to be guided, and trust.

And maybe that’s the biggest thing – trusting that you can walk into every moment maybe prepared, but more prepared to trust your instinct, an inner source of guidance.

But we don’t trust, do we?

We’re constantly searching for the right thing to do. We think we don’t know enough. We’re afraid to get it wrong. We think we need to be like someone else, someone better.

Role models can give you so much, but the greatest role model is someone that points the finger back at your own heart. The reminder to go within and find truth there is everything. But you are the only one that can actually do it.

It’s important:

Each and every single one of us have a source of true Quality and wisdom within us. We already are what we seek – and it simply needs aligning with. If anything, the confusion and mud of your mind may need to settle so that it can become clear, but the essential nature of your higher Self is fully present within you, now.

It will show you. It will guide you. The true Teacher is within. 

You can trust it, but you need to know that.

The more you prioritise it, the more a life of Quality and rightness can come through. You see why your priority is an investment in a better life. And crucially, it’s YOUR life, lived authentically and dynamically. It’s not idea based, it’s wisdom based. A huge difference.

So seek rightness, wisdom, guidance; find it within. Find guides, role models, teachers and a community who will remind you and show you your better way.

I’d also say a tool, a vehicle, to do this is so necessary. A regular practice of going beyond your own mind and aligning with the Self is crucial. 

If you don’t have anything yet, find the Ishayas and learn Ascension. You can’t go wrong. Simple and powerful and enjoyable.

If you have a practice? Do it. Prioritise plugging into your power source. I don’t think I’m being dramatic when I say you really can’t live a Quality life without it.


Go well,
