The language of the present moment

“Intuition is the language of the soul.”

— Krishnamurti


The more present I am, the more I allow myself to let now be enough, the more I see the beauty of now.

I’m teaching a five day retreat at the moment so I’m fully in now mode, speaking now language. Ha! I love it.

Now –

Many, myself once included, see that an immersion in the present moment means giving up ambition or drive; that maybe you even become irresponsible.

But how many of us are burnt out? Frazzled and snappy, over-controlling and over-thinking, unable to allow a flow to enter life, unable to choose to be at peace in the middle of chaos?

Or even unable to choose to not be bored …? To not need now to entertain us; to be able to be fulfilled in ourselves? A super power in itself, I would say.

This is the result of not being present enough.

Rather than living with the past/future mind as the master of you, gaining the ability to be the master of your mind and live in the now is a beautiful thing.

You don’t become irresponsible. You don’t lose your essential personality, your desires, your excitement about creating something different in your life.

Yet you certainly do it all more easily.

Life becomes smoother. More intuitive. More energetic.

It’s way simpler –

Instead of trying to understand and follow pages of philosophy and guides on how to live life, you just get present and then meet the need of this moment.

This moment teaches you, it shows you what it requires to live it – fully, and flowingly.

How does it show you?

I think in the language of a kind of intuitive expansion.

If an option feels the opposite, as in a shutting down, a constriction, isolation, holding tight or guarding … this is not the answer. Often it’s the answer the mind’s “should” gives us. But truth is different. It’s … why, expansive! It’s opening and becoming. It’s letting go. It’s moving forward. It’s more. It’s uplifting, almost on a physical level.

Expansion is not necessarily easy. But it is Quality. It is the answer of your higher Self.

In that, it’s easy – and joyful. Because ultimately the constriction of true compromise isn’t. It’s tough.

So now will show you, it’ll – once you become used to its language – give you the answers.

And what beautiful answers they are.

By letting go into expansion, there is an unfolding, a flow to life that you couldn’t have planned.

Your mind will never get this; your mind will always either try to improve now’s answers or distrust them.

But you just have to trust that you can let go now and it will turn out okay. You don’t have to trust forever. Just now.

In actuality, when you let go just now, it turns out alright. In fact, it turns out even better than you could make it by force and control.

Just now.

It’s your teacher, and you were swimming in it all the time.

Enjoy that, and go well!
