Nervous or excited? Reframing your stories of suffering

“I’ve lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.”

— Mark Twain


Apparently Bruce Springsteen was once asked whether he still got nervous or anxious before playing in front of huge crowds.

“No”, he replied, “On the contrary – I get excited”.

Isn’t that cool?

The same symptoms, redefined in his favour.

Here’s another story.

I have a friend who was a fellow Ishaya monk. Ever since he was little he was told he had chronic anxiety and panic, with medication, therapy, the works.

His Ishaya teacher asked him to see the energy in his body differently – to investigate it closely rather than resist and freak out.

Do you know what happened?

When he got curious instead of fearful, he discovered the energy was actually extremely pleasurable. Not anxiety or panic, instead it was a kind of bliss, flowing through his whole system.

Awesome huh?

More or less instant freedom. Not when the energy stopped, not free from – but free WITH.

This is a key part of the game of life –

Left unaware and untrained, our minds will decide what happens to us, regardless of what actually happens.

But in mindfulness we have a choice.

You can follow the stories of your mind that create suffering, or claim a new definition for yourself.

It’s all part of the glass being half-full or half-empty, the “Is this happening to you, or for you?”.

A small, yet powerful choice:

What you see is what you get.

What you focus on, grows.

It’s not so much what happens, but how you see it that shapes the life you live.

Now, factor in this:

The untrained mind holds onto 9 negative events or thoughts for every positive. Negativity is incredibly sticky to an untrained mind.

If I was to offer any advice, I’d say, unstick yourself.

Don’t leave your life to chance.

Since the default is negativity, you have to practice and train your mind and your attention.

Don’t let your untrained monkey mind decide and define life for you. Start now and become the master of your own destiny.


Go well!



I have one more one to one spot left.

Time and space with me, all to yourself.

What do you need? What do you want?

If you’re interested, get in touch and we can talk that through.

Just hit reply. Talk soon!


The interview with Damian Hall, one of the world’s best ultra runners is live –

#6 – Damian Hall, mindset and the inner game of ultra-running

Here on Spotify:

or Youtube:



And the next Ascension meditation course is 7-9 July (starts 7pm).

Let me know if you want more info.