It's official!
And you’re invited.
I've finally got myself together and can tell you about the seminar on the mind and sports performance that I'm doing which you might well want to come along to.
I've named it:
"5 Things You Need To Know To Stop Your Mind Being Your Worst Enemy"
But I'll probably talk about more than just five things.
I get a bit chatty.
It’s held on Wednesday 26 October in Darlington, 7.30-9pm.
Here's the link to register and get a seat:
What will you get from this?
Ever since I was a competitive swimmer and triathlete in my teenage years I realised that my mind had a huge part to play in my physical performance and enjoyment.
My coach would talk a lot about mental toughness. That ability to focus not on the complaints of the mind but on what needed to be done.
I even stuck the words "mental toughness" to my ceiling as I wanted to be the first words I saw when I opened my eyes.
If only it was that simple …
It was a shame that we knew so much about how important the mind was to getting my goals, we just had little idea of how to shape it.
Later on I became an outdoor instructor and it was even more so.
It was so obvious that physical ability was nothing without mental ability. You could all the talent in the world but without the right headspace, nothing would happen.
My job as an outdoor instructor was as much mental mindset coach as physical skills coach.
And that led me directly to being a meditation and mindset teacher.
I saw this is the stuff that changes the mind.
- Meditation and mindset focuses it, gives it toughness and flexibility too. It rewires faulty patterns, habits, and programmes.
- It alters negative motivation and energy sapping beliefs and addictions.
- It changes self sabotage and regret and concern and anxiety for quiet confidence, presence, awareness and enjoyment.
- It doesn't decrease hard work, but it makes working hard enjoyable.
Everyone likes being on top of their game, no matter what game that may be.
So I thought I'd talk about what I know about your performance and your mind, and how to get your mind to help you not hinder.
It will be related to sports as in physical stuff, but it's the same thing over if you are a musician or an artist or just want to be a better human.
So come!
It’s held on Wednesday 26 October in Darlington, 7.30-9pm.
You're officially invited, here's the link to register and get a seat.
It costs £3 if you pre-register, £5 on the door and all proceeds are going to the Felix Fund, the Bomb Disposal Charity.
Valuable learning to you, and you get to give to a worthwhile charity. Awesome.
Register here and bring your friends!
Any questions? Fire away as usual.
Take it easy! Arjuna
I will talk a little about the upcoming meditation and mindset course that runs the weekend of 5-6 November (begins 7pm Friday)
But mostly I want to give you more clarity about what your head does to you AND what to do about it.
Come, bring your mum - be great to meet you both.