A quick story, a podcast and some book links too

Just a quick one today -

I have lost my brain somewhere so I have to go find it.

It could well be under my pillow where I left it last night for safe keeping before I went to sleep.

Hopefully it hasn’t rolled off and is now under the bed, covered in dust and fluff.

Or bubsy hasn’t found it and is giving it her own brand of slobbering love.

Not good for what was a small brain to begin with.

OK - so:

I was on another podcast the other day.

A ton of fun, the hostess was very cool.

Lila’s New Zealand accent took me back to my roots.

Here’s the link should you wish to have a listen.

You can even download it so you can take it with you:


There were some fantastic questions.

Lila wanted me to come up with a book I could recommend to others.

I said “Awareness” by Anthony de Mello,

Apparently it has the ability to annoy people.

It didn’t annoy me, but it sure did make me go “wow” when I read it first, 20 odd years ago.

Anthony sure doesn’t hold any punches.

He basically says “wake up and stop sleepwalking through life”.

If you like that sort of thing then I fully recommend it.

Just make sure you grab your brain before you head up and out though.

If you want something a little more fluffy -

A touch fluffier, not fluffy like a pink unicorn fluffy,

Still straight up the line …

Narain Ishaya wrote “Chit Happens” - a nice little play on words,

And it's true - it does happen when you put yourself in the way.

Now that IS indeed a cool book.

Good questions there, all answered beautifully.

It’s a book full of wonderful guidance on how to meditate and how to live a “spiritual” life.

Tricky word “spiritual” - means many things to many different people.

And so it should.

How you live your life in awareness and fulfilled with connection and meaning and purpose and gratitude and happiness is a slightly more longwinded way of saying the same thing.




Want to be more mindful?

Want to wake up and be more aware of what you're doing?

This little challenge (it's free) will really help you do just that:


It's all about how to forget being stressed by remembering to be awake and mindful.

Super cool.