How to get away from the drunk guy at the bar

Sometimes I see my own mind as that drunk guy at the bar who wants to engage you in conversation. Very opinionated, a bit intense, judgemental, but underneath it all just lonely and needing someone to talk to.

And talk to you he will do. “You and me, buddy, together we’ll … blah blah blah … “

You look for the exit, someone to save you, some other conversation to be had … and nope, everyone has vanished so you’re left politely nodding, focussing on the carpet, hoping and praying for a chance to get away.

The mind is an excellent tool and a terrible drunk.

You need to consider that what your own mind says isn’t that rational, all of the time.

If you watch it for a while I think you might agree.

Yet you constantly let it in, you give it an opening.  You refer to it all the time: “what do you say, drunk guy at the bar?”

It’s one of the few things you can absolutely change in this world - your relationship with your mind.

Treat it as an option, not the truth, just an opinion.

Be aware of your mind’s addiction. Don’t let it ceaselessly ramble on and on.

Now, you don’t need to force it to stop. No force is required.

Just simply become more aware of what is happening. In that awareness, in noticing the mind but not giving any energy to it, it creates a sense of space.

If you can be aware of your mind it means you are not it.

This space means the option to listen or not is easier, more obvious, ok?

But it is something you have to practice. It is an addiction, something you need to wean your mind off.

Well worth it though. You know those times when your mind is sober - sharp, intuitive, clear, calm.

Living with a mind like that is worth everything. The relief from the constant chatter alone is one thing.

So practice. Learn to meditate. Even better, learn the simplest and most effective method of meditation I think the world has ever seen (personal opinion, of course).

Come over and learn the Bright Path Ishayas’ Ascension. Next course here in the North East - where you can come stay and make a little retreat of it - is early April, so you have plenty of time to organise yourself.

It’s worth its weight in gold. If it had a weight.

Go well - stay away from the sauce.