Don't stop = Hammer time

I am so sore.

I went for a run yesterday.

I know, what was I thinking?

It’s been a while too, so I now have extra unused to running soreness.

Interesting thing though -

As I was running up one of the many hills around here.

Ooh - but let me get carried away for a moment …

Positives for living on top of a hill?

Great views.

Little chance of flooding.

Feel superior to my fellow human, as I look down upon them from on high.

(not really, just joking)


What goes down must come up.

As in, back up the hill to home, cups of tea, and sanctuary.

So there I was, running -

I thought, I’ll take a little breather just around this bend.

And then there were pedestrians!

Just strolling -

My pride wouldn’t let me stop within their viewing.

So I staggered on …

“Just around THIS corner” I said,

And you know how it goes -

People everywhere -

And all of them stopping me from stopping.

Part of me is all “urggghhhhh” but the bigger part of me is “hurrah!”

That is so weird when you have opposing teams in the same head.

Shows how messed up our heads are.

It just reminded me of the power of doing anything with other people.

Where people can support you to not stop,

To keep going.

Meditation and mindfulness is no different.

It can be a lonely activity, being there all alone (violins?)

So a community of good is worth it’s weight in gold.

All the ancient texts from London to Japan -

Mis-quoting MC Hammer now … I must be delirious from running aches …

Say the exact same thing.

Keep good company.

And a finer group of good people in the world wide Ascension community you will not find anywhere else.

Supportive, honest, inspiring, humble, down to earth, and funny.

These guys crack me up all day long.

Like to be a part of such a community?

Come on in, the first step is learning the simplest most powerful tools for peace in the universe.

Here is an excellent place to get started:

Go well!


PS. Yeah, yeah, Nah, yah!