"My own bad habits are my biggest problem"

I was speaking with some people earlier in the week and was asking what was the biggest source of stress for them.

Someone very perceptive piped up with “my own bad habits”.

For her it was eating at her desk - not taking a proper break for lunch, or any breaks throughout the day.

On a mission - working and working, pushing through.

Effective? No. Constant busy-ness isn’t. Nor is it enjoyable.

I'm not going to soften this one: Your biggest problems are caused by your own actions and choices.

You know what your own bad habits are. The ones that mean that you don’t do the things that you need to do to look after yourself.

All of them - not taking breaks, not doing absolutely anything for a spell or two throughout the day, trying to multitask, not getting enough quality sleep, not exercising, not eating well, not meditating.

All of them are about trying to do too much and not nurturing yourself.

The thing is - they all seem like small compromises at the time.

You can get away with bad habits for a few days, a few weeks, someone people go for months and years even, but it creeps up on you.

Before you know it you’re exhausted, irritable, not able to think straight. You get caught in emotional moods, you snap quicker with less choice… life just seems harder.

Where did the joy go?

It seems like life just gets more and more difficult.

Nope, it all comes from you. It is your own bad habits that make life hard.

Especially in this busy time leading up to Christmas, make sure you look after yourself.

Do what you need to do so life is smooth and simple.

You may be busier, but take breaks, regularly.

Be present - stop trying to multitask. If you’re making a cup of tea, make a cup of tea. If you’re on the phone, be on the phone.

Stop throughout the day and be grateful for something, to someone - out loud.

Stop throughout the day and just take 5 deep - and I mean deep, slow, smooth - breaths.

Stop throughout the day and close your eyes - meditate!

It’ll give you clarity and rest. A sense of calmness, of perspective and acceptance. You can deal with everything when it’s in perspective.

There’s an old saying that says when you are busy, meditate. When you are really busy, meditate twice as long.

You deserve to enjoy your life, fully.

See how you get in your own way, and stop.

Keep it simple. You know what to do - you just have to do it.