Stay inspired.

"All the effort in the world won’t matter if you’re not inspired"- Chuck Palahniuk

One of my daily rituals is making sure I stay inspired. I think in this game of life it is one of the greatest things you can do to make sure you play well.

It’s easy to let the humdrum and the routine mean that another day fades into the background. A week passes, a month, a year. You postpone, you do the same things, it’s easy to forget what you are living for.

Inspiration is your life-blood, it is the thing that ensures you live the life that you want. Without it, it is a grey life indeed. Without inspiration you have nothing.

Inspiration is reminding myself of my most important thing so I keep it as a priority in the day.

Many things clammer for attention, but what is truly important to you?

What is the bottom line of your life?

For me, above all other things, it is living a life of connection. Of choosing to be filled with presence and contentment. Of appreciation and gratitude for the simple fact that I am alive. For being of service in some way to other people. For being as clear and honest as I can be. For that sense of aliveness and connection to this moment that means I am all of these things and more.

What helps remind you? What inspires you?

Surround yourself with the greatest people you can find. Whether that is in person or via phone, email, text, it doesn’t matter. Tap into that goodness.

Read and watch what inspires and educates and motivates. With the internet, TV, and books there is so much out there to use.

Go places and do things that inspire and excite you. Every now and then see if you can take time out to retreat and re-prioritise. Whether that’s half a day or a week, find the time.

In little and large ways, create a bath of inspiration that you can soak in, so you stay committed to what is important.

You gotta stay inspired, and only you know how that best works for you. Let inspiration be the basis of all your actions.