One of the things I love is lists -
You know:
"12 things you didn’t know you can make with bacon"
"21 ways to be a better lover"
"9 reasons you should start interrupting everyone, now"
"15 different ways you can stop reading lists and start doing something"
I love them so much, I’ve written at least one:
"108 ways to ditch overwhelm and negativity and make the most of each moment"
You can get a copy here:
And in doing so,
I’m guilty of not doing something I say you should be doing.
It’s all Sumati’s fault (as usual)
I picked up her Kindle the other day to find something to read …
All the covers have topless men with painted on abdominals who are billionaires,
Clutching fulsome women who happen to be:
Magicians or half-vampire vampire hunters or shape shifters,
And who are proudly poor and independent about it.
Some how -
You’ll never guess this, never in a million years,
They go from hating each other to having passionate sex in the bath
All while saving the world from evil.
Amazing huh?
It's just like every dance movie ever made ...
Where the snobby ballet dancer meets the coarse yet driven street dancer.
Deja vu for sure.
I keeping having to ask Sumati (her choice of movie) if this is "Street Dirty Step Up And Bring It" number 3 or 7, or is it 8?
Anyhoo ...
Trashy novels!
I’ve gotten hooked, just like the rest of you.
How wonderful, how entertaining, how “not what you’re supposed to enjoy”
Any guilty pleasure is the same.
You know you shouldn’t and yet you do.
In list of being more mindful -
I was saying you should make your cultural nutrition as wholesome and fibrous and good for you as possible … and so avoid trash.
And yet I resent eating things that are solely good for me, and don’t taste that nice.
You too?
How pompous to be all “should” on you.
I used to have a diet that I thought I should eat.
Totally didn’t suit my body. Ditched it.
Should, could, would.
I've come to realise the bottom line is this:
Just be happy.
Free yourself of shoulds,
Free yourself of needing anything to be happy -
Like everyone to like and approve of you,
Or your partner to stop being so grumpy (because it’s your job to get them out of that funk),
Or waiting till external events go the way you want them to
Unchain yourself from all of that,
Find happiness that is uncaused,
Just because …
You’re alive, and this moment seems to be unfolding all on it’s own, without interference or control from you.
Be happy and you might find you naturally tune into what you want and need to do,
Into what is wholesome for you in this moment.
Which is lovely, indeed.
Go well!
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