The power of your own mind - for good and for "evil"

You know, it’s clearer to me than ever the power of your own mind.

What thoughts you believe changes everything.

The story that you tell yourself, the tale that you believe to be true.

Your attitude - your mindset…

All of this has the most powerful effect on your whole life, more powerful than anything else.

It filters and colours everything.

You can change your life just by seeing clearly.

You can change your life immediately just by seeing where you limit your own self…

And making another choice.

Perception is everything.

Without clarity, by blindly believing your own mind, without a good, positive, solid, inspired glass half full attitude…

Well… nothing is enjoyable, nothing gets done.

The plan fails because you hit the smallest bump and give up.

You don’t hit your goals, your resolution is irresolute.

You stay on the (figurative or literal) couch and do the same things.

Born for greatness and total enjoyment, and you talk yourself out of it.

Now I know you don’t want that.


Examine your mind carefully - nothing, nothing, nothing is true in there, it is only an option.

Don’t believe the story that you tell yourself, “That this is simply the way life is.”

It is just an option.

Choose another perspective. Choose another option.

See clearly, act clearly.

Life is in your hands.

“I do not fear death, but not living fully” - Wim Hof