Despite my best efforts I remain a little technically …
How shall we say?
Sometimes I'm a disaster area.
Yesterday - and I didn't even realise it until someone told me ...
I sent my email list the wrong email.
I hate spam, and I was spamming my heart out ... through ignorance of course, but nonetheless ...
You see, I have a list that give advice, tips, inspiration, know how, funny stories -
All about meditation and mindfulness,
About losing stress and struggle and confusion,
About mastering the mind and getting calm, focussed and happy,
And about discovering what it means to truly be alive.
(Sign up here if you like the idea of that:)
I invited everyone on that list to a live Facebook event
But unfortunately…
I sent it to the wrong email group.
You see -
If you haven’t learnt to Ascend, you can’t come.
It’s members only.
One of the perks of learning The Bright Path Ishayas' Ascension.
We as teachers provide all the help and support you want and need.
My way of doing it is live video so I can answer people's questions on a one to one basis,
But everyone wins because they usually have something similar going on.
All this support - for free - to me is amazing.
And I benefitted from enormously when I was learning the ins and outs of Ascension meditation.
I know I do it because I love it,
And there's nothing better than helping people make the most of what you've just taught them.
Seeing the light switch on in their eyes and stress fall away is ... priceless.
The most simplest and powerful techniques for mastering your worries, doubts and stresses?
The tools to stay present and focused and calm and content and alive no matter where you are or what you are involved in?
Person to person support as an ongoing additional to the initial course?
The ability to repeat the course for free, anywhere in the world, as many times as you like?
(Something I very much recommend, by the way …)
Very cool.
It’s like a lifetime membership so you can constantly and never-endingly learn and grow and be inspired …
It really is the end of stress and struggle and discovering what it is to truly be alive.
But I do apologise.
Without coming to the initial course ...
(Which actually you can do - and why not?)
I can only help you on a limited basis.
The best I can do is we can arrange a coaching call about some simple things you can do straight away -
Which is actually super cool in itself.
My recent ones have been really satisfying in that the guys I've talked to have been getting a lot in a short time.
It’s free - so if you’d like to take advantage of that, head this way:
Go well!
I do apologise, once again.
I don’t like to promise stuff and then take it away.
But …
since it’s out there,
If you are an Ascender?
On Thursday at 8pm UK time,
For an educational, entertaining and enlightening 45 minutes or so
Be here:
Apply early so I can add you before the event.
It *should* be recorded so you can watch it later,
Though given my propensity for technical disaster, we shall see ...