When everything is taken away, what is left?

Someone asked me what learning the Bright Path Ishayas' Ascension gave me. I thought it was a funny question, maybe I was feeling cheeky, but what I told her was this:

Nothing. Learning to Ascend gave me nothing at all.

But took away so much.

It took away the doubt and the worry.

It took away thinking so much about everything.

It took away the OCD of checking and rechecking that my front door or car door or office door was actually locked.

It took away the self-sabotage, the thinking I couldn’t do it so I didn’t start.

It took away the fear of failure, of not doing it right, of the world coming crashing around my ears any moment now.

It took away everything that was interfering with me being myself and enjoying all of life.

In that it did gave me the ability to be free and easy and ok exactly as I am.

Interesting huh?

You are the same - you need nothing. You have everything you need already within you.

The best version of you is already there.

You just need to be it.

You need a way of leaving the interference behind.

Finding a way to regularly be that best version of yourself is incredibly important.

Living with limitation is just half a life.

The habits of the mind are the only thing stopping you. They are the only handbrake.

All of your negative patterns come from just thoughts - they don’t have to be real. They can be just an option.

If you look at them clearly, you will have choice over them.

Practice, that’s it. Habits are just something you’ve done several times. Make another habit. Practice being something else.

Be present, come and exist in the same place as your body. There you can thrive.

You need to do so little.

You don’t need to fix anything, just choose to be alive and present, here and now.

Job done.

Personally I would learn to Ascend. It makes everything so easy. It makes being the best version of yourself the natural thing.

You deserve to have everything that is not you taken away, forgotten about.

Start now, and keep going. You'll find it so rewarding. So inspiring. So enjoyable.

You come alive.