Why asking “What do I do?” ended in frustration for me

Yesterday I was talking about having your cake and eating it too.

In that you need give nothing up to have a life of 200%.

200% is what the Ishayas call having perfect internal calm and connection and yet a completely full and rich external life - enjoying all the things this world has to offer:

Fine wines, dining out, strong coffee, nice clothes, warm pork pies, good music.

That’s why I loved the Ishayas.

I loved the practice of Ascension, so super simple, so honestly and clearly giving me the choice to detach from the worries and doubts of my own mind.

But the Ishayas also never told me how I should live.

Every time I asked what should I do about this, or what should I do about that, they always asked me what I wanted to do.

They just said practice being so alive to this moment, so open, so fresh and excited and then live. Go beyond your mind - see how you limit yourself with your own thoughts. Live a life without limitations.

That was it.

They refused to say what I should do. And for someone looking for a way, this was a little frustrating.

All I wanted was someone to tell me what to do.

How else did I know I was living right?

But I came to realise how liberating that was.

No one can tell you how to live your life. Your path is your path.

You have to find your instruction manual within yourself, and within each and every moment.

You see, it’s constantly updating, constantly refreshing itself.

But you come to be present and alive to now and you will know what to do, where to go, how to live. Listen in and you will find the answer for this moment.

You will become clear on your own life.
