Using The Power Of Your Mind For Good, Not Evil

powerfulYour mind is the most powerful force you possess. A long time ago a guy called Buddha worked that out and said:

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.”

Smart guy. Your mind is the foundation for everything you do and say.

Change your mind, change the way you react to the world.

When I started to realise how wonky my thoughts could be I did more and more research into this.

I think perhaps it’s self evident the power of positive thinking in something like healing.

You will know yourself the power of having a clear focus in the outdoors in terms of being able to do what you want to do.

Equally you would have seen the results of anxiety and a lack of focus when you’re trying to do something.


Did you know that your body is trying to respond to each and every thought you have?

Every time you think your body responds.

Certainly, the stronger the belief in the thought the stronger the reaction.

But even the smallest of thoughts causes a subtle response in the cells.

Combined with the fact that we have something like 60-70,000 thoughts every day, do you see how our bodies are shaped by the quality AND the quantity of mental activity?

No wonder Buddha said what he did.

Your mind shapes everything - your body, the way you react, your levels of energy, of level headedness, what you say and what you do.

Change your mind, change everything.

The trillion pound question is, HOW?

How do you change your head?

It all begins in awareness. Being aware of what you are actually thinking. In awareness you have choice.

Now I know a very powerful way of going beyond the negativity of your mind. Of being so aware, you can focus on anything you want and not let your focus shift.

Of not thinking so much, of even re-wiring your brain so you automatically respond in the ways you want to … and not in ways that cause regret.

It requires you to give up nothing, except limitation.

It’s super simple, all it requires is you to practice.

And I can show you.

In fact I need volunteers to help me prove that what I have to teach gets some very cool results for outdoor guys.

I have only a few seats left, so if you are keen to be a part of this, opt in and get more information here: Go well out there!


PS. Saw the new Star Trek film last night. Loved it, but I am a Star Trek fan (not a freak) so am a bit more easy going.

Best line?

"There is nothing unknown, only that which is not yet known"

Sounded super profound last night at least.

Ditching Overwhelm In The Outdoors

outdoors overwhelmThe greatest skill you can have in the outdoors is a cast iron mindset. One that means you can be super focussed on the thoughts that you want to let in, ignoring the doubts, the thoughts that you can’t and you’ll get hurt.

My biggest challenge in the outdoors has always been overcoming the fears of my own head.

I used to have a friend I would paddle with back in New Zealand.

He was ballsy, no fear, even though I had better skills, he would run stuff I wouldn’t.

Now some might say he could probably do with a little more discernment, but the point holds.

Your own mind is the thing that you’re face to face with in the outdoors.

It’s the thing that means you do, or you don’t.

It’s amazing to me how once you start thinking negatively it becomes harder and harder to pull yourself out.

Once anxiety gets going it can build up some serious momentum.

I used to know I guy who would be throwing up the morning before a big river.

That’s some serious nerves right there.

But it’s found everywhere. You’ll certainly be familiar with it in your work life or in raising a family.

Overwhelm destroys everything, you fall to pieces, you snap and react - unless you can keep a cap on your thoughts that lead to that feeling of wanting to run and hide.

But if you can manage all the internal goings ons, the rewards are incredible.

It’s such a sense of freedom when you’re able to do something even though your head is against it.

There’s a real sense of achievement, of overcoming not only a physical challenge, but also a mental one - isn’t there?

Sometimes you even get so immersed in what you are doing there is nothing but a sweet flow.

You almost know the next moment before it arrives.

No thought, just action.

Certainty and clarity, coming together move by move like a well played chess game.

Now if you are at an elite level you may well be taught some skills that can help you manage the overwhelm factor.

But even the elites have trouble with their own heads, despite everything the psychologists throw at them.

If they knew what I have to teach in Mountain Mindset - this new programme that I specifically written for outdoor athletes?

I don’t want to sound arrogant on this one, but even the elites, with all their whizzo psych skills would be amazed at the results.

Because they don’t have what I have to teach you.

You want a piece of that?

I still have a few seats left for volunteers to help me prove what I already know:

To give me some real life walking talking guinea pigs that have conquered their own minds.

And are having incredible times in the outdoors, and in every aspect of their lives.

We have less than 2 weeks before launch so don’t mess around on this one.

For more information, and regular tip packed emails like this one: Have an awesome day out there.



4 weeks of up close and personal coaching and accountability and amazing results?

Who wouldn't want that for free?

Go here for more info, and regular awesome emails like this one:

Testicle removed in dodgy hotel surgery!?

ballsWhy? For the love of God, why? This guy has a problem with his testicle.

He got kicked by a horse some years ago and it’s giving him some grief.

So - in order to get expert help with it, what does he do?

He advertises for help with it online, finds a guy who rocks up and cuts it off in a dodgy hotel room somewhere.

You can guess what happened right?

His testicle gets super infected, he spends weeks in hospital getting his health put right.

Don’t know about you, but that seriously made me shake my head.

It did happen in Australia and they are different down that way (sorry - couldn't resist a dig)

I know guys like to be all independent and DIY “I can fix it myself” and not make a fuss, but really …

Somethings are worth making a fuss about.

Somethings are worth investing in.

Somethings you can’t fix without help.

Expert help that is.

Like your testicles.

And your state of mind.

So many guys I talk to believe stress is a fact of life.

That coming home and snapping at their partner and kids is regrettable, but sometimes it just happens.

That not being able to sleep at night because of they’re thinking too much is normal.

That having bouts of anger and depression and worry is just part of the modern world.

That having no balance in their lives, no quality time to spend with the family or be in the outdoors or even just to keep fit and the weight down ...

... is what everyone does.

The fact is:

None of this is inevitable.

None of it.

And you’re not weak if you don’t know how to deal with this.

You’re not the only one.

It takes considerable courage actually to stand up and say that the way most men are living their lives is crazy …

And you want no part in it.

So if you do?

Do something now before you need weeks or months or years to recover from your DIY.

I can help. I have the tools and the understandings you need.

You just have to have the willingness to put them into practice.

Opt in here for more information and regular emails like this one:

Keep the peace! Arjuna


But if you’re ok …

If you’re doing fine just as you are …

and not really committed to really doing what it takes to master your own limitations …

and stop letting your own mind stop you ...

Don't get help. Stay as you are.

I don't mind, really.

But if you’re doing ok, and yet know that you could be even better?

Staying Clear Of Overwhelm

overwhelmHere I am sitting in my home office - I mean coffee table in the corner of my living room - with a cup of coffee in my hand. The sun is pouring in the window and all is well.

I have a ton of things to do, I'm just taking a moment. A very necessary moment.

Got lots of things to get sorted before the Mountain Mindset guinea pig trial goes live in just under two weeks.

Very exciting that is.

There’s a speech I want to get started on for a funeral of my friend I was telling you about.

That’s exciting in another way. Looking forward to trying to do her justice with a few words.

There's a webinar on meditation I'm doing tonight, also some phone calls, quite a few emails to catch up on, and a webinar I want to watch.

It's a busy day!

And then there's also the need to head off for a run later, definitely looking forward to that. Love running through the forest.

Then I’ll have a stretch and do some meditating.

Oh, and there's make sure I spend some quality time with the ex-fiancee (wifey).

All of the day’s activities are necessary. It all needs to be done.

Some of it I look forward to more than others, but finding time for all of it - especially the ones that don't seem so "productive" - means I stay sane(r).

It’s all about getting that balance.

Although it’s become second nature to me now, taking time out means the time on is so much more productive.

By prioritising a state of calm and balance, stress and anxiety doesn’t have a chance to creep in  and start messing things up.

Busy-ness can’t mess with my mojo.

I feel like I have more fun, I enjoy just about everything.

And I’m a better person to be around.

It’s so nice not to be overwhelmed. I have been there before and it’s not a pleasant state.

You owe it to yourself, and your family, to not be overwhelmed and frantic.

Why not take a moment?

Just to breathe, to stop, maybe to close your eyes and just be right here.

Balance - a good priority to make in your day, a good thing to find.

Have fun out there Arjuna

PS. I’m still taking applications for the Mountain Mindset trial.

I need a handful of fellas who can act as guinea pigs / lab rats, so I can test and prod and poke and see the results of this new programme.

If you want the tools to leave overwhelm and never come back, instead choosing to be calm and clear, then you are in the right place.

If you want to ability to choose to be in the zone at will - with heightened senses and skills - in life and the outdoors, I have what you need.

Enjoy your life and the outdoors, be better at it, and leave stress and anxiety and fear behind.

A tall order, but I'm ready for you!

We go live in under two weeks, and we’re filling up, so if you’re interested get in there soon.

If you're interested, and want daily emails like this one, go here:

It’s Nice To Get Some Love, Isn’t It?

get some loveHad a great email from a guy called Mac I taught the other week. He says:


"You will be glad to know that I have managed to get my 10min twice a day meditation sessions in, as well as my 2 children giving it a try, who enjoy the peace as well.

But my life has changed Archie honestly I find as I have no built up anger, I can communicate with my wife, with no arguments, who also comments on my attitude towards her, I have been considerate and giving, I know myself I haven't been for years.

Just like to say thanks again for the calming skills you have taught me Archie. I will keep you posted on my progress.

Massive thanks from all the McCulloch Clan."

Mr J McCulloch ________________

What can I say?

Isn’t that awesome?

I love teaching this stuff because it just works.

You do it, and every part of your life transforms.

Mac's practicing 10 minutes, twice a day.

Not a lot of time is it?

I do recommend 20 minutes, twice a day, but good to know even 10 minutes can completely shake things up for the better.

Combined with some mindset and attitude tweaks that we went through he’s putting into play, and everything is changing for him.

And it's only week one!

Love that.

Do this and you become the best version of yourself.

Honestly: you win, your family wins, your partner wins, everyone wins.

Just through learning then practicing a simple set of tools and understandings.

Want that?

For more information, and regular tip packed emails, opt in here:

Keep the peace! Arjuna

PS. His kids are doing it too - if kids can do it, so can you. Simple.

If you have questions, just ask - I'm super happy to help.

Is The Outdoors A Selfish Waste Of Time?

waste of timeSomeone once told me that the outdoors was a selfish waste of time. That the risk, the time away, that it's nothing productive, all of it - they couldn't see the point.

I laughed my head off.

The outdoors makes better people.

Better people help make other better people.

When I first joined a kayak club the thing that was what impressed me the most:

The nature of everyone I met.

Of course, I loved being on the water and learning how to keep this plastic tub upright. Seeing what was around the corner, testing myself against the river.

Making the boat and extension of my body. Or perhaps it is making my body one with the boat? Anyways...

An appreciation that no matter how good I got there was always a greater challenge.

A realisation there would probably always be fear, and I could give in to it, or I could test the boundaries of it.

The more I went beyond fear, the easier it got to do it again.

On the river, the rock, and in life too.

The joy of sitting around the campfire at night, tired, happy, content.

Needing nothing.

Grateful for a hot cup of tea or a mug of wine from a plastic cask.

So happy to crawl into a smelly sleeping bag at the end of a full and rich day.

It changes you, being in the outdoors.

It makes you more self-contained, reliant. Confident. Not arrogant, but content in yourself.

Not needing approval somehow.

Humble too - knowing and appreciating such valuable knowledge and experience and assistance that has been freely given to you.

And passing it along, just as freely.

There’s a love for experience, and a realisation that sometimes the simple things are the most beautiful, and soul satisfying.

A knowing too that no matter how dark the night may seem, the dawn always comes.

There’s always a smile to be had, no matter how grim it may appear.

And that’s the most important thing in life - smiles, and love, and fully being alive.

Living the “goodest” life possible.

My life is so much better because of the outdoors, but also because of the people I met who love the outdoors too.

They remind me, constantly of what is truly important.

They, and the nature itself, made me realise I wanted all of life.

Not just surviving, but truly Living.

That’s what it’s given me: Life, with a capital L, always, no matter what.

Freedom from just getting by; a tool to make the most of each and every single friggin moment.

Do you want the same?

Do you want everything from Life?

If you do, if you want to help me test out this new programme of mine (for free) …

(I’ve decided to call it Mountain Mindset, because that’s what it gives you even if you’re not there)

Go here for everything you need to know, and to get daily emails just like this one: We begin 4th August so don’t mess around too much.

Any questions? Just reply, I’d love to help.

Have a great one, - Arjuna

PS. I was going to call it Mountain State of Mind but it was more words so I erred on the side of simplicity.

Simplicity is best.


Keep it simple!

What's The Best Thing You Can Ever Do For Anyone?

greatest thingSometimes we have it all back to front. I did this myself for many years until I realised how absurd it was.

How, in my wanting to do my absolute best for loved ones I completely missed the point.

You see -

People are running around trying to get something for their loved ones.

Security, wealth, money, education, good experiences.

Which is wonderful.

But in the trying to get it for them, they forget one crucial thing.

They get so lost in the getting that they are never there for their loved ones.

Literally - as in always working …

But also when they have their loved ones right in front of them, they are still at work.

Thinking and planning and scheming.

Never present.

All for a good reason of course - but nonetheless, absent - even when you are physically there.

The best thing you can do for anyone?

Be right there with them.

Obviously you can’t always physically be there.

And you don’t want to.

Your job may mean you need to be elsewhere.

Getting into the outdoors and making sure you’re nourished on a physical and spiritual level will also mean you’re away.

But when you are with them - fully be with them.

Don’t miss a moment by getting lost in thought and stress.

The greatest thing you can do for anyone is give of yourself to them.

Not in things and money - but your attention, your presence.

Do it and watch your relationships blossom.

It's so simple, yet so poorly understood.

And if you want help getting out of the trap of thinking too much and being more present?

There are still some places for volunteers.

To get the info, and emails like this one, go here:

Don’t miss out!

(On really giving to your loved ones) - Arjuna

How To Make Sure You Don’t Waste Your Life

don't wasteLife is a curious thing. As humans we spend a lot of time running around in circles, not really getting to the heart of the matter.

Just missing the point, only just.

We say happiness is the most important thing, yet don’t really know how to be happy.

I mean truly happy, always happy, constantly happy.

Happy no matter what.

Humanity thinks happiness lies in things.

We strive to get things to make us happy, fulfilled.

Money, possessions, sex, love, holidays.

Yet they never really fulfil, do they?

No matter how hard we try, humanity never stops chasing happiness, no matter how many things we collect.

Being permanently happy always seems just around the corner.

Do you know what I mean?

I did.

Life is great, but there’s a sense there’s more.

You get angry and stressed and frustrated in the chase, when it doesn’t go right or you don't get what you want.

You forget the reason why you work, why you’re earning money, why you’re here.

You do everything simply to be happy - and yet there is always a middleman to this happiness.

I will be happy when …

… She stops being so narky.

… My boy stops misbehaving.

... I'm on holiday.

… I can finally get out on the water, the rock, the trail.

But why not be happy first?

Be filled with contentment and gratitude for life, as it is, right now.

The outdoors taught me that life is short.

That you have to make the most of it.

You have to be present and alive now, otherwise you miss out.

Make every moment of it worthwhile.

Don’t wait - there are people at the end of their lives all around the world and a huge chunk are thinking “If only I …”

Squeeze it dry.

You don’t know how long you have.

And if you want a simple means to help you get your head in the right place so you can be constantly stress and struggle free?

Here’s the link for more information, and regular emails like this one: Have a great day, ok?

Make it count. Arjuna

PS. What if there really was an end to the “endless” chase?

What if there was an end to being stressed?

What if you could be fulfilled, and content, and happy - no matter what?

You can have all of that. Truly.

“Your Programme Seems Too Good To Be True”

too goodSome people been asking. They say what I'm offering on this free trial programme that I need volunteers for seems too good to be true.

And it would appear so, on the surface yes - it does appear that this is too good to be true.

But what if it wasn’t?

What if it delivered exactly what it says it will?

I get scepticism, I really do. It’s important. 

But equally important is the willingness to fully test it.

You can sit on the sidelines with your arms folded all your life if you like, but doing so means you’ll never play.

You can stick your toe in the water, but the only way of really knowing is by jumping in.

That’s a tip you can take for any part of your life.

Like your relationship, for example.

If you never fully jump in, you will never know.

The other thing that is a bit sad in a sense, we as humans have become so used to stress and struggle that we believe it's an inevitable part of life.

But what if it's not?

Seriously. ^^^^

What if stress was useless to you?

I had a discussion with my brother (he’s a banker) - we were talking about this very thing.

He argued that he got paid to be stressed.

I said no, he gets paid to be responsible, not stressed.

Stress isn’t necessary.

A certain level of aliveness and focus and intensity is required sometimes, but stress?


All the times in the outdoors when I’ve been overloaded with fear and self doubt?

Had a terrible time. Got worked over.

Went over a waterfall backwards and upside down once, simply because I freaked out and shut down.

Not nice.

You stress, you shut down, sometimes you actually curl up into a little ball.

Which is lovely when you’re at home in bed, but halfway up a rock face?

Not pretty.

Becoming free of the habits that you have that lead to overload and stress will take work.

It will.

I don't have a magic pill. And if you're looking for one you might as well unsubscribe now.

Becoming better at anything takes effort.

It takes practice, and practicing the right things.

I can give you these right things.

It also takes not stopping until you're done.

And not many people actually go all the way.

But if you’re willing to not stop until you get what you want, then wow.

There’s nothing that can stop you.

For the sceptics, this I do know: These tools that I am offering to teach 8, maybe 10, volunteers (for free, although there are some requirements), are simple, easy to practice and integrate into the outdoors, and your life.

They work for all those who use them as I taught them. They do what they say they will.

You get freedom from that whiny voice in your head so you, well, don’t have that guy in your head because he’s a bit of a dick, and annoying actually.

The trial programme is of sufficient time for you to develop the habit of using them.

After the programme you’ll have the results, the motivation, and the understanding to keep using them.

I’m actually guaranteeing that if you do what I say, you won’t want to stop using them.

You will see such change as well as potential for future use, you won’t want to stop.

Your partner and family won’t want you to stop using them either, such is the pleasure of having the best version of you around.

And if none of that happens for you?

I’ll unreservedly coach you one on one until you get the results you do want.

For as long as it takes.

I don’t know how you can lose.

So if you want a spot, get more information here before someone else gets your seat: Have a great day, ok? Arjuna

PS. My brother, the banker?

He did one of my early programmes, and loved it.

If it works for bankers and all the heavy karma they’re carrying?

It’ll work for you:

I’m really joking about the karma.

“Your Ego’s Writing Cheques Your Body Can’t Cash”

egoClassic line from Top Gun.

“Your ego’s writing cheques your body can’t cash”

We used to say that to each other all the time with mock seriousness.

A great reminder too.

Went kayaking a few weeks ago (dam release), and there was a friend of a friend who came along.

Nice guy, but he loved to talk.

Waiting for the shuttle car to come back from the bottom of the run and I couldn't decide whether he was a legend paddler or just had a huge mouth.

Turns out he just told big stories. He delivered little on the river.

Which I don’t mind, I love heading out with anyone who is up for a good time but when you’re telling stories about that bus eating wave on the Zambezi in Africa, or that expedition in Pakistan, it’s just hollow.

There are so many people who talk big but deliver little.

Don't get me wrong, I love telling stories. Sometimes I tell the same one over and over - just ask my wife. She's heard them all at least 12 times.

At least I’m amused by them.

But isn’t it better to deliver much much more than you say you do, or will?

Letting your actions speak much louder than your words, to me at least, is the seemly and gentlemanly way to go about life.

All the people I admire the most have found that quiet confidence within them. It’s not about other people knowing how great they are, their compass is an internal one.

Their success quotient is based on achieving and living up to some truly lofty aspirations, but their success isn’t about who knows about it, or even so much an external measure.

Indeed, success for some is simply getting out of bed in the morning.

Success and achievement is based in that they overcame something within themselves.

And overcoming yourself is more than enough heroism for one lifetime.

That’s why these guys and girls are so inspiring to me. Because the confidence is based on something real.

That no matter what they know the depths of themselves, and in a challenge won’t shy away from doing their best to overcome it, and their fears and concerns along the way.

What do you think?

And probably more importantly, how do you want to live?

Want the mental skills to tick your goals off much easier?

For getting such heroic mental fortitude you may well be interested in the Mountain Mindset programme that I need volunteers to help me test.

It’s designed to give you a foundation where you have "mental fortitude":

- Negativity gives way to positivity. Life is just rosier, "lighter". No matter what you laugh more, and decide to do more. - Fuzzy, “not sure what to do” gives way to clarity and certainty. Problems still come but you know how to deal with them - Dissatisfaction gives way to contentment. You let go much easier, you enjoy yourself a lot more. - Worrying about the future or regret for the past? You live much more in this moment, where you can actually do something about it. - Fear and self doubt is not so much conquered, but ignored. Put to one side once the decision is made to transcend it. It gives you the ability to balance your life - so you nurture all aspects of your life.

It’s said that men in particular work too hard, forgetting the very reason why they work.

What good is building a fine empire if, when you finally return to the castle, it’s empty?

Although the trial programme is free, none of this will come without you doing some work.

There’ll be a load of support and guidance from me and the rest of the guys on the programme.

I’ll give you the right tools, but you will need to use them. Just so you know.

If you want more information about getting a seat - and super regular email just like this one, opt in here:

And have a great day.

Get in touch if you need anything, anything at all Arjuna

PS. No really - have a great day. You just don’t know how much time you actually have.

The Grandma With The “Steel Trap Mind” Beating Athletes A Third Of Her Age

diana nyad (Photo: Catherine Opie/NY Times)

Diana Nyad has her autobiography out very soon.

If you’ve never heard of her, I’m not surprised.

At 64 she is the only person to ever swim the 110 miles from Cuba to Florida.

That’s more than 5 times the Channel.

53 hours without sleeping or stopping.

But where the Channel is kinda nice, this swim is nasty.

The tides and currents are dodgy at best.

There are sharks and other things that aren’t happy with you being on their turf.

Like the most venomous animal in the world - the box jelly fish - who live there.

If you are most people, they sting you, your nervous system goes into instant paralysis, you stop breathing, you die.

She got stung, she kept swimming.

She said the pain was the worst pain she ever felt.

Did she stop? Nope.

So many people have tried this swim, she at 64 years old succeeded.

Her secret?

At that distance, with those tides, with the viciousness of the jellyfish...

The swim is no longer about age or gender or anything much physical.

She said:


"It becomes much more about who can resist pain, who can manage their energy, who has a steel-trap mind to be able to withstand it."


A steel trap mind. Awesome.

When she landed on the beach in Florida she got swamped, people crying, people wanting to touch her:


“I realised afterwards, they weren’t weeping because somebody finally made it or somebody set some sports record.

They were weeping because they saw someone who refused to give up.

And everyone has experience of that, whether it’s fighting cancer or raising a difficult child or whatever.”


Isn’t that the truth?

That is the most beautiful thing I have read for a long time.

Life isn’t about what you do, but how you do it.

Whether its a physical endurance slog fest or lifting that weight or making that line or landing that trick or creating your business or finishing that book or being the best gosh darn person you can be.

It’s all about your state of mind.

And about whether you give up, or simply gather whatever resources you can and keep going.

So many people give up too soon.

Get the help you need, and keep going. You can do this!

Take care. - Arjuna

Everyone has that voice that says that you’ll never make it.

That you’re stupid and a failure.

I have that voice.

I bet Diana Nyad has that voice.

Everyone has that voice.

It’s not about the voice, it’s what you do with it.

Whether you listen, or ignore it.

What you focus on, grows.

For more information on skills and tools to make that ^^^^ simple,

For regular emails like this one,

Opt in here: If you need anything, any questions, just ask.

More Passion Than A Dodgy Tattoo

tattoo-hand-i-love-you-proposeI was in town yesterday and saw a young lady with the Red Bull logo tattooed on the base of her neck. Huge, it was.

I know it gives you wings, and is all about pushing the boundaries and being extreme and all that but isn’t doing that like getting Coca Cola tattooed on you?

And why would you do that? What has Coca Cola ever done for you?

Maybe I’m getting old and sensible.

When I was a boy there was a guy who hung around the town bus stop who had the Ford logo tattooed on his forehead.

It went from all the way from temple to temple, eye brows to hair line - you couldn’t miss it.

It was quite something.

I always wondered, as I tried to avoid him noticing that I was staring, the story of that tattoo.

The why and the where… was he drunk, or did he really love Ford? Maybe Ford saved his life?

Maybe I should have just asked.

I have nothing against tattoos, I have a couple myself.

My first one, at 18, was inspired (directly copied) from the bass player in my favourite band at the time.

(The Hard Ons, if you must know their name. I took great pleasure of wearing their t-shirt down town, as you do when you’re 18 and happy to cause some kind of shock).

I am still relived he had a lizard and not some monstrosity that I, in a blaze of youthful enthusiasm and passion, would have etched in my skin, such as a Ford logo.

But passion is a valuable thing, if carefully directed and maintained, well... it can change the world.

What floats my boat these days is those people who want more in their lives, and who are actually prepared to do something about it.

Plentiful are those who want more, but aren’t doing nuttin’ to get it.

You’re here because, even if you don’t know where to begin or perhaps you just feel like there’s something deeper than what you are already doing, you want more and are happy to do what it takes to get it.

You have a passion for Life, with a capital L, and maybe you’ve gotten a little lost over the years, or you just aren’t sure what to do next.

Maybe you just want a sure fire way of detaching from that grey whiny voice in your head - the voice of anti-passion.

I can help.

I have a very good system, with simple, easy to use tools for getting mentally fit and flexible and resilient.

All you need do is use them.

The only people who these tools don’t work for are the people who don’t use them.

You see, some people come along and learn and then …

They just stop, for some bizarre reason, even though their lives are smoother, easier, lighter.

They’re laughing more, stressing less, are way nicer to be around, are clearer and bolder and are getting more rest than a happy cat.

They’re doing exactly what they want, ticking off goals like a shopping list, and are more in love with their life than ever before …

Their wives and partners are saying “I got the man I fell in love with back!”.

And then they stop.

Why? Who knows? Maybe life was good enough.

Good enough?

Oh well.

You’re not after mediocrity - and neither am I.

Good enough is not good enough for me, or you.

Why I’m telling you all this is this?

No matter who you are, if you’re willing to do the work and trust the process, this will work for you.

If you don’t settle for less, if you have continuing passion for more, they will continue to work for you - for as long as you use them.

With a passion for more, there is no ceiling here: The programme that I talk about there in - in exchange for your complete commitment and some small tasks that I want you to do for me - is completely FREE to 10 volunteers.

Get in, because I can only take 10 guys, maximum.


Have fun today, ok? Arjuna

PS. If you have the passion for more, I can help direct it.

Not sure where to go or what to do, you just know that you can have a greater mental game, more fun, more focus, more love for every aspect of life?

I can help, honestly I can, I’m not just saying that.

Go here, to get emails like this to your inbox and to get more information on this free trial, opt in here: See you!

Give me some skin! Or, why a £200 deposit for a free trial?

skinThere was a comment raising this very question on the good old Facebook, where I have been telling all and sundry about this FREE mental fitness trial for outdoor fellows … All ye who love getting out and about, maybe in a boat, maybe on wheels, maybe on some kind of slidey planks, maybe just on the hoof, made of sticky rubber or sharp talons for gripping mud or ice …

Those who know that experience of leaving it all behind for some wonderful goal ticking fun, enjoying divinely smooth skills complete with shrieks of joy in the wilderness - satisfaction and peace be upon you.

Or being sloppy, weak, disjointed, frantically grasping at something solid, for something to work, and finding nothing to hold onto, getting worked over and frustrated too …

You know those times -

And you know if you could just get your head in the right place then everything would be so much easier.

You’re correct - and that’s why mental fitness is everything to all that you do and it’s why I wrote this programme.

On Facebook, someone pointed out the apparent discrepancy between a FREE trial and having to pay a £200 deposit.

At first glance it does seem weird, but there is a perfectly rational explanation.

I'm not scamming anyone.

The reason all lies in SKIN.

When you have skin in the game, you care and it matters and you’ll do what it takes.

When there is no investment, even if you have the best of intentions, it's sooooo easy to slip.

It’s a universal rule of life.

Bought some £120 trainers last year. Really splashed out - which I have never done before.

Did I look after them? Oh my golly goodness, did I what.

My babies.

Investment you see. I have some serious skin in those shoes, and they matter to me. I look after them.

It's the same with everything.

So - I AM giving this whole course - 28 days of the greatest tools, complete with ongoing coaching and instruction and support and expertise - completely for FREE.

But I need you to invest in this programme. I need you to be accountable.

Because then, and only then, you’ll get the very best results - for you.

You’ll follow through with what you said you would do.

That is the sole reason for the £200 deposit, and why upon full completion of the programme you will get your deposit back.

In the past I’ve genuinely taught for FREE and people got the FREE results. Which was all over the place.

So I never will do it again. It’s not good for me, and it’s not good for you.

This programme is FREE, but it isn’t cheap.

But it is simple, and it could well be life changing.

You’ll also help me out in a big way.

Wan to find out more? Of course you do: Any questions? Just email, I’d be happy to help.



Time is ticking.

We don’t begin until 4th August but I am finding the men I need.

They’re applying, and I’m liking the cut of their jib - they are a great fit for this trial, and so they are in.

To get more information, and the application form, go here:

This Life Is Your Life, And Yours Alone

awarenessYour life is your life. You alone can live it.

You alone know how to live it.

No one else can tell you how - I certainly can’t.

I can try and support you in living the life you want.

In achieving your goals with maximum style.

But you’re the one that has to come through.

To do that awareness will be your greatest ally.

Self-awareness that is, directed towards how you do things now and how you can do things better.

Without awareness you just bumble around in the dark, doing things the way you’ve aways done them.

Without awareness things control you. You have no say in the matter. You’re like a monkey on a chain, being jerked here and there.

It's a bit harsh, but it's true, is it not?

But with awareness you have choice. You have control. You can take charge and head in the direction you want to.

How’s your levels of self-awareness?

It’s something that you can practice, a skill you can develop.

You need to set aside the necessary time to do it, but well worth while it is.

Like a woodcutter stopping to sharpen his axe, or a musician taking time to tune her instrument, it becomes something that needs to be done.

A must, a necessity.

Because then your limiting reactive habits don’t get the better of you.

You don’t lose yourself in the busy-ness of what you need to do today.

The beliefs that say you’re no good or you can’t do it or you don’t care anyway - well, they don’t take over and mean life becomes a little bit smaller.

You don’t get stressed, you don’t snap, you can stay calm and clear and content, focussed and happy.

You can focus on the moment, on what you need to do and blank out everything that says you can't, that you might get hurt.

That kind of headspace is worth everything to cultivate.

Having awareness is the key to more of life, to greater adventures in the outdoors, having the kind of relationship with your partner and family that you want.

And you can do it - you just need the right tools and the time to practice them, really you do.

Mountain Mindset Begins On August 4th I start my Mountain Mindset programme. I’m super proud of this programme.

I’ve tweaked what I’ve been doing for the last 13 years to a point where it’s really, really good.

I'm confident it's great - I just need some feedback before I unleash it on the public.

Specially designed for you who know there’s more in terms of performance and enjoyment - in the outdoors and in life.

It will give you the tools to bring more clear, cool awareness to anything that you do.

And hence I need some volunteers to test it.

You want to be one?

It won’t cost any money, but I do need you to do certain things for me.

Most of them are to make sure you get the most out of the programme, and some are to tell others (once you’re finished) how great it was.

There’s only room for 8 (perhaps 10 if I’m begged) around the table, so if you want a place I would jump on the email list so you can get more information: Have a great day, stay aware! Arjuna

PS. I know I write a lot.

I figured that since you are reading this you must have at least a passing interest in being less so-so in terms of your mental fortitude and fitness.

That part of you has just had enough, and wants more.

(Good on you for recognising that, by the way - not many people do)

And so a big chunk of overcoming that struggle is staying reminded and inspired.

Hence writing just about every day.

Oh, and here’s what you need to do to stop stopping, to stop being trapped by self-doubt and seriousness.

Get on here: But if you, at any time, have had enough inspiration and motivation and guidance, then you can unsubscribe at any time.

No worries at all.

Why? Why do you do it?

whyThe reason I started working on "mental fitness" was because of the outdoors. Being out on a river or up a mountain gave me the ability to be completely present. I could taste the sense of presence, of flow and the zone, leaving the humdrum behind.

With my friends, laughing and shouting, focused and dedicated, seeing if I could make my body do what I wanted it to.

Teamwork, mastery, challenge, nature, complete immersion in the moment.

Being in the outdoors was, in a real sense, my meditation. All going well - I’d come home super happy, satisfied, full up.

Tired, but so alive - you know?

Present to this moment. And content in it.

And it would last for days. Sometimes even beyond a week.

A feeling of everything being in perspective.

Of no matter what, I was alive, and being alive was bigger and more important than any worry.

Relegated to the sidelines were the doubts and the worries, the bills and the grind, the argument with my girlfriend: they were put back, they weren’t central.

Instead, in front was the simple pleasure of life:

Perfect. Happy. Good.

Trouble is - the worry always crept back in.

The high never lasts.

The simple convenience of getting hot water from a tap?

No longer superb.

You lose that sense of presence, of being in the moment.

You forget.

The drugs don’t work - at least not permanently.

That’s why you see guys who are addicted to pushing their limits.

I have nothing against that, I think testing one’s mettle is important.

But addicted to constantly being on the edge? Not content unless you’re out there on some desperate mission?

Something seriously wrong there.

There’s no balance. There is a life beyond the outdoors.

A wife, a family, maybe an education or a career you want to develop.

You can’t avoid it (unless you can convince yourself you’re happy being one dimensional) and you shouldn’t avoid it. There’s so much there.

I wanted balance.

And permanence.

If I could find that place where my worries weren’t central and overwhelming for some days, or even weeks, why not forever?

If I could enjoy the sheer beauty of just being alive for a few days, why not forever?

And so I figured if I practiced the head stuff and got better at it, maybe I could make it permanent.

I was right.

You can make it permanent.

You want that?

You can have it.

You just need the right tools and the right understanding.

(It can be simple. You don't need to sit cross legged on the floor and chant. A comfy chair will do the trick).

You need the right amount of support to get you to the point where the practice is a habit.

Where it becomes super natural, and the outside support isn’t needed to keep you going.

If you want that?

If any of the above resonates with you?

Get on my email list and get the right information, right here:

It may well be the best thing you’ve ever done:

Have a great day.

Live well, okay? You don't know how much time you have. - Arjuna

PS. I’m a little evangelical about this programme that I’m offering to trial for free.

I believe it could well be life-changing.

Everything relies on your level of mental fitness.

Without that, you’re lost.

With it, you’re unstoppable.

Life becomes one great adventure. Super fun.

And with this trial programme that I'm running only once ...?

What have you got to lose?

Get more information by going here: But I wouldn’t wait, just because you’re not the only one waiting on the sidelines.

With limited seating around this table, you need to make sure you get a seat.

Jump in, and sit down.

(Apologies for mixing my metaphors)

Soldiers Riding Dolphins!

dolphinSo the wife and I are on holiday - wandering around Nice, France - and we came across an old mosaic - two dolphins with soldiers on their backs. If that's not badass I don't know what is.

Riding your personal dolphin into battle would be quite something. And I know I'd run a mile if I saw a fleet of angry sea mammals headed my way.

Anyhow … this may tie in, or not, we'll see how I go ... All I know about life, and living it well (as opposed to merely surviving and getting by) is all based on your perspective.

In other words, your mindset or your attitude.

That right there changes everything.

It’s the difference between whether you love life, or whether its a bit of a drag, or downright misery.

It’s the difference between being getting sucked into drama and stress, and being able to shrug it off and do the best with what you have.

Because you can’t always change the situations you’re faced with.

But you can change your attitude to them.

And stress and drama and misery and all that stuff isn’t so much caused by what happens.

It’s caused by how you deal with it.

How you respond, how you react - that is the one thing you have control over.

It may take some practice, but you do.

It's the one thing everyone forgets.

So walk through through today with your eyes wide open to your reactions and responses to life.

Notice how you respond.

The quicker you notice, the quicker you can choose to have a different response.

You see, the longer a particular response goes on - say anger or worry - the more momentum it builds up.

Like a stampeding pod of dolphins it becomes harder to turn it around.

And then you do or say stuff you regret later on. It definitely not much fun.

You can turn it around - but it’s easier to nip it in the bud earlier on.

So for today - be super aware, and notice where you can make a different choice.

And make it.

One of the benefits of this Mountain Mindset programme that I need volunteers to help test is that your automatic response starts being one of positivity not negativity.

You start being more “teflon” to events that would usually cause foaming at the mouth.

It just slips by you - you just don't automatically react anymore.

This programme means you have real choice in how you want to act and be and live.

Which, I don’t know about you, but for me is worth its weight in gold.

It’s the freedom to choose how you live. It's the freedom to be independent of the random events (and people) of life.

So if you’d like some of that, then get on the email list to find out more: Have a great day. Keep an eye on the horizon for them dolphins. Arjuna

PS. This stuff isn’t for everyone. Some are more than happy to stay where they are.

And I get that.

It’s easier to blame other people and what’s going on in your life for how you feel and what you do.

It takes a certain responsibility - and a certain boldness - to take the steering wheel of your own life and declare this is up to me!

(But at the end of the day - the only way to live).

If that’s you?

Go here, and live well:

Some mental fortitude with your coffee?

fortitudeI’m in Nice, France of all places. My wife’s brother lives here so we’re paying him a little visit. It’s a world apart from the mean streets of the Yorkshire Dales where I live. But I’ll cope.

Just sitting in the sun waiting for the coffee to be ready.

Nice way to start a morning, huh? Being self-employed does have its bonuses.

I went for a run up a hill (gotta find something physical to do otherwise I go a little crazy), now is the time to drink coffee and help people via email.

You know, I’m a “meditation teacher”. That’s probably what I would call myself if someone asked.

But meditation has so many weird connotations sometimes, I need a new term.

Too much incense and candles and dolphin music and what-not isn’t for me - or you, I believe.

Hence that’s why I’m playing around with calling this stuff “mental fitness” or “mental fortitude”.

I like the word “fortitude”.

It has an old school all moustache and pipe, climb Everest in tweed and hemp and sheer strength of character type feel to it.

You know?

I love finding a way to connect the dots …

To make meditation an interesting idea for - again lacking the language - “real men”, guys who want the most out of their life without having to be involved in too much silliness.

Men who just want some down to earth, super practical, no belief required, just “do this, get these results” type techniques.

So you can take them into the outdoors and have more adventure and more fun than ever before.

So you can make the most of all of your life - family, work, the whole thing.

Just so you know -

I’m not sexist or anything. I’m so happy for real women to come along too, but the initial trial I’m running will be guys only, just to get the ball rolling in that direction.

I know a few of you may well be sceptical, and that’s one of the reasons I’m doing this trial.

At completion I’m going to have a bunch of guys who are stoked with their results.

And super happy they made the jump and applied to do it in the first place.

I’ll get some fine testimonials so I can prove beyond a doubt that this programme works no matter if you believe it will or not.

You just have to do it. You just have to practice: Simple.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained, after all - right?

Here’s the link so you can get on the email list to find out more: Have a great day now.

Need anything? Just hit reply.



There are only 8 places.

I may extend it to 10, if there is demand.

But 10 is the maximum.

I want to give the guinea pigs in the trial my full attention, and limiting numbers is one way I can do that easily.

To make sure you’re getting it, and keeping it super simple - not complicating things. Because thats not necessary at all.

Simple is better.

Get more  info here:

Touching Perfection

perfectionYou know the Zone, you know it well. The reason you do the things you love is because it brings you there.

You forget your worries for a while and you settle into a state of heightened perception.

Where everything comes alive.

The beauty of nature sparkles.

The body moves fluidly, everything is timed perfectly.

There’s a connection, a melding, you become immersed in the experience.

The doubt, the anxiety, worry? It fades into nothingness.

Just an expanse of experience.

Nothing but space and possibility.

Smiles a mile wide.

Sometimes the intensity is huge … you may even touch perfection.

That feeling of being so alive, it's soul nourishing on a huge level…

They wonder why, and even you might not be able to put into words why you do it.

But it causes the search, the itch, the chase to get it, to have it once again.

The sublime state of total absorption, in the moment, in the activity, the hunt for more and more Life.

Trouble is, you don't know how to make it happen.

You can't just choose for it.

It happens, or it doesn't.

But what if you could be given some simple tools, techniques, a practice ... ?

Imagine if you had a simple training plan so you could get the skill of being in the Zone at will?

Well, you're in the right place.

I have such a plan.

A simple and effective means to being completely alive, content, full up - no matter what you are doing.

I’ve been teaching people how to do this through meditation and mindset for 13 years and I'm super proud of this programme. Can't wait to see what you think.

I want to teach you it, if you’re committed to putting your heart into it.

Don’t want anyone who's not serious, a bit half arsed about doing what it takes to have more Life in them.

If you are?

Go here to get a place:

Don't dilly dally because there are only a few seats available.

Get in to the one thing you'll wish you did years ago.

Have a great day.

Any questions? Fire away!

- Arjuna

PS. Mental fitness? Flexibility? Fortitude? Freedom?

So many 'f's'!

Here's how to get all of them:

Imagine if there really was a simple method, a simple way of training to live from the Zone?

Wouldn’t that be cool?

Fear versus doing what you want to do

fearI have the privilege to be surrounded by some amazing people. Some of them I see every morning for coffee, some of them I’ve never met - they are their words on a screen.

Nonetheless they never fail to inspire me.

The one thing they have in common is that they don’t let their heads get in the way of what they want to do.

Everyone has a horrible, fearful voice in their head.

Everyone. I don’t care who you are, everyone has doubt.

Man - I'm actually surprised humanity does anything with the heads we have on our shoulders.

The whole game of life can be boiled down to the balance between fear and what we want to do.

When you feed fear, it wins.

When you acknowledge that you’re afraid, that you don’t know, that you’re worried of what other people will think...

... and you do what you want to do ANYWAY …

The little fearful voice shrinks. Freedom grows.

This is the whole game of life, isn't it?

Fear versus what we want to do.

The courage it takes sometimes not to listen to your head and keep moving forward is huge, and I don't think many people have that.

For me I just don't want that little whiny grey voice to win.

Even if it comes up time and time and time again.

So well done, well done for having the courage to do the things you want to do, to live the life you want to live.

Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

I love quotes, and here are a couple that I remind myself with often to help me do just that:


“All you have to do is follow through. Never give an inch to fear. Focus on what is real - never doubt, never turn from the One. Then, when you master that, life is simple." - MSI

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.” - Ambrose Redmoon _____________________

If you want help conquering fear and self-doubt my “mental fitness” guinea pig trial programme can definitely assist you.

I can’t say it takes away that voice, but it will make your options clearer.

It takes away the sheer intensity and the paralysis that sometimes comes when you’re in the grip of the grey voice of doom.

You have space to breathe and do what you want to do, not what the voice says.

It gives you very real choice in terms of what voice you listen to, and what you ultimately end up doing.

I can’t take away fear, and in fact I don’t think it’s possible - fear means whatever it is, it's important to you.

Your job is not to let it win. And that gets easier.

The whole game of life - right there.

Fear versus what you want to do.

If you need help with that I can.

So consider my programme - it won’t just you any money, but it won’t come cheaply - if that makes sense.

I need you to do some things ...

- so read the terms and conditions closely -

But I think you’ll find the pay off for your investment of time and energy to be well worth while.

Any questions? Hit me up.

Have a great weekend! Arjuna


Places are limited. I’m not just saying that.

I can only take 8 men who are serious about upping their mental game.

The tools are amazing (and simple) and the ongoing support from me and the rest of the fellas will blow you away.

It's going to be transformative, and a lot of fun too.

If you want a seat at the table, don’t delay.

You can apply here:

Local monk seeks volunteers to trial revolutionary “mental fitness” programme for outdoor athletes

newspaperPress Release:

Local monk, meditation teacher, and Armed Forces mental skills trainer Arjuna Ishaya has just announced that he is looking for 8-10 male outdoor aficionados to test a revolutionary new meditation based “mental fitness” programme to be held in central Darlington over five weeks beginning early August.

In exchange for these volunteers’ time, effort and feedback, he is offering over £400 worth of training and coaching over the five week period completely free of charge.

The “Mountain Mindset” programme promises to bring about huge changes in performance and enjoyment levels for these men in their outdoor pursuits as well as in general life.

Arjuna says:

“This is a fantastic opportunity for local men who are serious about making the most of their time in the outdoors to gain some potentially life changing skills - such as the ability to choose to be in the “Zone” at will.

“Your state of mind changes everything. But in the outdoors, and sports in general, mental skills - for example to ignore self-doubt and pressure to remain calm and focussed - are rarely taught in a structured way unless at an elite level. Even rarer is the application of something like meditation to such a practical and observable purpose.

“I designed the Mountain Mindset programme in order to prove the value of meditation and mindset skills to “real” men’s lives. Having taught sections of the British Armed Forces meditation and yoga I know from experience what a barrier the perception of meditation is, but the reality is something else that men in particular are only just catching onto.

“I’ve taught thousands of people to meditate over the last 13 years but chose to run this initial trial with men because I want to demonstrate beyond a doubt the overwhelmingly practical benefits of these skills to even the potentially most sceptical.

“The trial programme might be free, but the volunteers will be expected to pay their way in effort and attitude. The return is that I guarantee participation will crank up the volunteers’ mental game a considerable and noticeable notch or two over the five week period of the trial, and even more if they continue to practice what I teach.

“By precisely following my simple instructions I can also guarantee that at the end of the trial they will notice such changes in their daily levels of calm, clarity and happiness they won’t want to stop their mental fitness training.

“I’m excited about the trial. The lucky volunteers will be blown away by the results that they get and I also plan to use the data gathered from the programme to feature in an upcoming book.

Prospective volunteers can get more information and apply here:

Further Background Information:

Arjuna has been based in Richmond since 2008. He became an Ishaya monk and started teaching meditation in 2003 after observing the power of the mind over himself, his fellow outdoor enthusiasts, as well as his clients as an outdoor instructor in the mountains of the South Island of New Zealand:

“Fear and self-doubt stops everyone at some stage. I’ve seen it in the outdoors because you’re sometimes faced with very real danger. But mostly the challenge of a situation is less real than the mind's perception of it - the result of which is overload, stress and poor performance. You see it in business, in relationships, in raising your kids, you see it in every aspect of life.

“Equally all outdoor people know particularly well that heightened “Zone” state of awareness where you thrive on the challenge: presence, clarity, confidence, enjoyment and skill are all enhanced, sometimes hugely. The only problem is that very few people know how to choose to be in this Zone state at will.

“This Mountain Mindset programme - of which anyone can learn - is about switching off from the negative tendencies of the mind and learning to engage with this Zone state more and more deeply. It’s an extremely practical and simple set of tools for anyone who is interested in not only performing better, but living a much better quality of life.

Ishaya monks are known for their practical, pragmatic and fuss free approach to meditation.