Your homework topic for the week.
Explore it! Nothing happens if you don’t get stuck in and get messy with this. You see nothing, you learn nothing, you get nothing. You get the same as you have always gotten.
Want something different? Get curious, try something different, try this!
So: Jump in. Here’s the topic (followed by my commentary upon it):
Your mission this week, should you choose to accept, is to let life come to you.
Imagine you are a space, and this space creates a vacuum for all of life to come to you. Instead of a me controlling and managing life, which is often a movement from limitation and takes effort to maintain, rest back, relax and let the universe bring you everything.
In the same way in your eyes closed meditation or prayer practise, let whatever you are using to relax and refocus and "connect" you, come to you. See where you can let go of a "me" "doing" the technique, and instead let it come to you, in its own time, its own way and with its own pace, whether quick or slow. Do not try and meditate/pray/be mindful. Instead, let it have you.
Then see what happens. Be okay with whatever you notice. Whatever happens, whatever you notice, just let life have you.
Let the road rise up to meet you.
OK – some of you will be saying “how irresponsible!”
“If I do nothing, nothing happens. I can’t just let life come to me …”
And you would be 100% right. However, I would suggest that in terms of stress, overwhelm and negativity your problem does not lie in a lack of action and doing.
In fact, humanity in general does not have a problem with doing, ever. Humanity’s problem lies in the fact that we don’t know how to NOT do.
Very few people know how to relax, how to let things unfold, how to accept what is being presented. We struggle, we kick, we push, we complain: we get stressed and snappy and die young with rigid arteries.
The first step is just as the topic suggests: Get present and let life unfold.
Even just a little, take a half-step back and let things come to you. Let life have you.
It’s only for a week, so if your life falls apart in that time you can always repair it next week. Promise.
But the fact is, you might find a large amount of space opening up. Space to breathe, space to enjoy, space to marvel at how, actually, life works out pretty darn well when you don’t interfere too much.
Give it a go – how are you going to find out unless you do it? And if not now, when?
Questions? Fire away, I’d love to here.
Go well!
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