OK, so I got all confused and didn’t finish off this “Let Life …” homework. I put out part 1, but not this part. Sorry!
So for completion, and because you guys are super fluid anyway, here’s last week’s homework, this week!
Awesome. As always, there is the homework, and most importantly (at least I think so) my commentary upon it.
“Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen – that stillness becomes a radiance.”
– Morgan Freeman
“Life is a dance between making it happen and letting it happen.”
– Arianna Huffington
What do you mean, "let life come to me"?
That's irresponsible – you might think. "If I don't go out and make things happen then nothing happens." And you'd be right. Life is about action and decisions and doing.
However – the emphasis on doing and getting in our world means struggle and pushing and stress and anxiety all come into play: all of which do not help you get what you want.
Now, by practicing this topic you will start to find a sweet spot of effortless action; you will start to realise how little effort it takes to live your life and get what you want. You will start to see how strain and controlling actually STOPS life coming to you, it stops whats best for you and everyone else coming in.
Peace and presence is the best foundation for anything. Have a plan, let life fulfil it. Play your part, but release control about what and how it happens.
When you commit to something, truly, with 100% of your being, life comes rushing in to give it to you.
Now, it indeed comes to you in magical ways, however: You also have to play your part. You can’t just sit at home and wait. You have to get up and get going. You have to create your future ahead of you.
In that I would say the greatest lesson you can learn is wrapped up in Arianna Huffington’s quote:
“Life is a dance between making it happen and letting it happen.”
That there ^^^ is the ability to live 200% of life. It is the wisdom to be super present and know when it’s time to push, and when it’s time to back down and let it all unfold.
No where in that balance does stress and struggle and fighting play a part. Stress and fighting is not useful in getting you what you want, it isn’t.
It’s an excellent indicator to me that I need to back away. When it stops being fun, and seems like “work,” that too is an excellent indicator that I need to change my attitude.
That is true wisdom. That is the profound action of the wise, of those who have made themselves Zero: effortless action. Doing without doing much at all.
The ability to be so present you have no eye on the future result. Of course! Part of you will have a goal, a desire, but you become so present, the step-by-step act of making the goal happen is satisfaction in itself. Meaning, you are incredibly fluid, incredibly full of enjoyment and satisfaction.
The path becomes irrelevant, this step becomes everything.
OK, enough mumbo gumbo Yoda talk – practically speaking:
You’re off on a run. You get so present in your run, each footstep becomes a whole experience. It’s not to get there and back again as quickly as possible, or without stopping, or to lose a few pounds … you become so absorbed in this step of your running, your mind and it’s complaints and limitations have no say. They squeak but you don’t listen, because you are so wrapped up in what is right in front of you, in the act of what you are doing.
This step and that step. No pressure, nothing to prove, nothing to hide, no where to get to, just incredible curiosity to this … and in doing that, you get to where you want to go extremely and supremely well. Without any struggle on your behalf.
Of course: it requires effort, but zero mental anguish and second guessing and doubt and “Why?” and all of that.
Anyhoo … this is not theory. It's not just for runner. It works everywhere and in everything. Do it! Find out for yourself. The promise is a supreme life. And all you have to do is follow through.
Let me have them!
Go well
200% of life is a curious, rarely lead life. Not because it’s difficult, but because no one really knows about it.
Yet it’s important, to you. An inner foundation in presence, clarity and stillness gives a fertile ground for outer creativity and inspired action.
I wrote a guide on being more present, clear and still, all so you can live a life of creativity and inspired action. And you can read it here: