Friday homework - everything becomes an act of love

It’s a very curious fact of human life:You do this one thing, and your whole life benefits.

By prioritising this one act throughout your day, countless problems and struggles are avoided.

By simply engaging in this one small tweak, you bring the best of yourself to whatever is in front of you.

By doing this one thing, you can live a most excellent, "good" life.

Here’s this week’s homework topic for you to explore, based around this one thing, and love.

Topic first, then my take on it all.


When you become present, filled with awareness and innocence, your whole life becomes different.Instead of struggling through life, insisting, pushing and fighting, you walk lightly and fluidly on the earth.Every act, every word, every breath, every moment becomes an act of grace and of love.You may not even realise it since you're "just" doing your thing and living your life, but your being speaks to everything around you.If you want to help your community, the greater world?Immerse yourself into the presence of Now ... make this the foundation of your life.


Your life has a chance to become ideal when you actually show up for it, when you get present and alive to it.

It’s not that challenges and problems disappear, but your response to these actual situations becomes ideal.

You also stop creating unnecessary problems for yourself. Problems of the imagination, you might call them. Poof, gone ... simply because you stopped making them.

You step into a way of living that means everyone around you benefits. 

“How can I become less judgemental, more loving?” you might ask.

The answer is: Turn up to now.

You step into a way of living that is not fighting and struggling and pushing through life. Instead, everything you do becomes an act of love.

No struggle, in sync with the natural flow of life = love.

Full acceptance of what is, not insisting on what should be = love.

I love reading a guy called Anthony de Mello, for his straight up wisdom. He once said, "we're not here to change the world, we're here to love it." And that's what happens when you get truly present, to this.

Not that you might be aware of creating love, because you’re just doing your thing. And how wonderful, an effortless, unknowing love machine walking this planet.

A beautiful and supremely useful way of living life.

So, this week: get present. Do this one thing, and everything transforms from that.

Go well!Arjuna

PS.I’m opening up my coaching programme very soon. A six-month transformation programme where you’ll work very closely with me to transform your relationship with your mind, therefore transforming every part of your life.

Let me know if you’d like some more, initial information!