Gift giving, with added fur-balls

giving fur balls small.jpeg

OK, so if you’re in a hurry, I did a little video of this so you don’t have to read!

But, if you’re looking forward to a cup of tea and feet up, read on …

The end of the year is coming, and with it (if you’re like me) the ever increasing problem of “what shall I buy her/him for Christmas?”

I just don’t know what to buy my wife.

I’ll carefully and subtly point out something on the internet or in a shop window as we walk by and she’ll make gagging and retching sounds.

The first few times I thought she had a fur-ball stuck, but sadly for my shopping, it’s not. Something I thought she’d love, and clearly it’s a no from her.

What do you do for the wife who wants a surprise, but if I bought her a surprise, she would indeed be surprised, as in hair-ball “that’s nice,” forced smile upon opening, surprise?

Buying her a new doodad for my kayaking would indeed be a surprise, would it not? ("Oh, you're not going to use it? Do you mind if I do?")


But, don’t you worry about me, I’ll get there. Lucky I practice my Bright Path Ishayas’ Ascension meditation to stay cool and out of panic mode, huh?

But I used to be so stressed about buying the perfect present, and at one stage was in fact so stressed about money that the thought of buying ANY present gave me the wobbles.

I’m so happy I sorted that out. It made life so much more difficult than it needed to be.

It’s all a lot different now, because 1) I’ve taken a ton of pressure off myself. I've learnt perfectionism just leads to paralysis - doing nothing - and no presents isn't a great way to sustain a relationship (learnt that one the hard way!);

and 2) dealing with that age old anxiety around not having enough to give in the first place was a huge personal transformation. Everything is easier when you overcome the thoughts that stop you enjoying life in the first place.

Now gifts are one thing, but I'm using that as a smoke screen to introduce something else. Gifts are just a small part of the big picture I want to talk about.

You see …

I believe that all humans have a fundamental need to make the world a better place.

Maybe for some it’s been squashed and made grey by hopelessness, but it’s still there. There is a genuine need… part of our spiritual, emotional, mental and physical make-up … to be of service, in some small way.

Studies have shown this too. The happiest and healthiest, less stressed and overwhelmed people are those who have this attitude of leaving the world a better place than they found it.

Now, in the tradition of being a skeptic but never a cynic: Prove it to yourself.

As a test, embrace this exact attitude upon waking in the morning. Ask yourself, tell yourself, “Today I’m going to look for ways where I can make the world a better place." Head forth from there.

The question that always comes from this, is: “How?” “How do I make the world a better place?” “I’m just one small human in a huge world.”

A hint: It’s the small things that count. Small things make big things. So don’t obsess over the how, just get going on the what – i.e., keep an eye out for opportunities.

Look for opportunities and you will find them. You will. Trust me on this one, I do this all the time, and if you look, you’ll find a heap of chances to make someone else's day better.

“I’m too busy”…? Likely you’re stressed and negative and overwhelmed too. Look out for someone else, it’ll make you less frantic and more likely to enjoy what you’re doing. True!

If you’re having a miserable day? Remember this. Going out of your way to help someone else changes your mood for the better, and quick.

Give it a try, and have a wonderful time. Choose to have a great day.

Go well!

The 200% Life Summit is getting even better!

Adding to the bunch of cool people, I will also be chatting with a relationship expert and an expert at making life “easy.” Both these ladies are incredible, and have an amazing point of view on somethings about life that will help you so much.

The 200% Life Summit (completely free to you) is coming in early January. Get your seat here:

Also you’ll see the chance to get my 200% Life Online course (worth £127) for free! It is the season for giving, isn’t it?