Everyone knows about the power of a placebo drug. When you believe a pill will make you better, it does: Such is the power of the mind.
An attitude operates in the same way.
There’s been so many studies that show how thinking a particular way can change the way you are.
For example, pretending to be a fighter pilot with excellent eyesight means you will perform better in actual eyesight exams than a control group. A group doing a crossword which is primed with words of physical decline and decrepitude will walk significantly slower after than the control.
Our minds and attitudes have power, this much is clear.
The exciting thing is you get to choose your attitude, you get to choose your power.
Granted, there will be negative and limited thinking. There are certain habits that come back in all of us when we fall unaware and unconscious.
But any time you wish, you get to tell a different story about you and your life – and this different story creates a different now, a different future, and a different life.
A life filled with praise, gratitude, love and compassion, with calm, clarity, creativity, courage and contentment is one that you can choose.
It takes presence and persistence, but you most certainly get to define your reality.
The fact is, you’re doing it all the time already so you might as well start doing it consciously!