We have the potential for everything within us. You get to decide what comes out on top, so choose well.
No ego, no problem
Challenge, overwhelm and creativity
The last of the human freedoms
The usefulness of suffering
Going with, not against
Is this the end of the world?
Welcome the rub
“It’s not fair!”
Life will suck sometimes
Choose your power
Suffering takes practice
It’s never an either/or thing
Don't let the little kid drive
We are always choosing our response to life, truly we are.
The trouble is often you have no idea what you are choosing. You are asleep to the big picture. The little kid that exists inside each and every one of our brains is in the driving seat.
When the adult wakes up, often that’s where regret comes. Here’s all about waking up to freedom of choice.
Stop reacting and make inner peace a habit
Buddha never had kids and a job and a mortgage
It seems like a good idea to listen, but it’s not
Why do you complain, about anything?
Life is determined by a your attitude to it. Not by the things that happen, but your attitude to the things that happen.
This is a fundamental law of life, one that we’re really not taught, or taught that well because so few people actually truly live from a hugely positive attitude.
But it’s a choice which changes everything.
The Silver Lining.
What is a good result?
Is it getting what you want in the short term? Or having a deeper understanding, a better perspective, “growing as a person” because you didn’t get what you wanted?
Have you ever lived through something that wasn’t pleasant at the time but now when you look back, you’re actually glad it did happen, simply because a lot of good came from it?
When my mum died, fairly young, of cancer - that wasn’t a good time. But it was the most amazing of times too, simply because I got to know her on such a deeper level. It was quality time, indeed. The same with my brother. I am so much closer to him now than ever before.
The silver lining, and one that may not have happened if mum hadn't gotten sick, is that I no longer have the mediocre relationships I used to have with my family.
The other thing that became so clear was that any future thoughts, with all the doctors’ prognoses (of which there were plenty) and lots of worry about mum, only led to suffering. I had to be very present otherwise I would instantly dissolve into a ball of worry and anxiety.
I got to see my mind clearly, and didn't go there. It was too painful.
So I was super present, and was able to be with mum as she was, not as I thought she would be in the future. We actually had a lot of fun.
The fact is you can frame any experience any way you want. It can be good, it can be bad. That label changes you.
I say always choose to see the good. If it’s a challenging situation you especially need to find a silver lining. Find a benefit to you and focus on that.
There is a story that my meditation teacher tells. He doesn’t tell it so often anymore, probably because he knows that his students steal all his best ideas quickly, so he has to constantly come up with new material.
But it’s about a villager who, to cut a long story short, has an amazing thing happen to him. He shrugs his shoulders and says “Good news? Bad news? Who knows?”. The next day the amazing thing has lead to something terrible. Again, he shrugs his shoulders and says “Good news? Bad news? Who knows?”. The next day the terrible thing turns out to be a blessing in disguise, and again, he simply shrugs, and says “Good news? Bad news? Who knows?”.
Who knows why things happen? Who knows what will happen next? I don’t.
Just assume all is good. In this moment focus on the silver lining. Make the most of what you have. Be wide open and see what happens next. You may be surprised.
Have a great weekend - enjoy each and every moment of it.
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Resistance is futile - there is an easier way.
"You are the only problem you will ever have and you are the only solution." - Bob Proctor
Resistance is the thing that kills all enjoyment and effectiveness.
The cause of all your problems is resisting what is happening.
I get to talk to a lot of people so I get to have a good overall view on what causes people pain and suffering.
Every time any one ever has a problem - and I mean 100% of the time: not even most of the time but all of the time - the problem is caused by resisting what is happening.
I will talk to them and they will use words like “should” or “could”, some kind of idea that involves their ideal present moment.
I will nod, and politely agree, that actually this ideal would be nice, but what is happening right now is different.
Do you see the difference between what is happening and your idea of what should be happening?
The only time you have a problem is when you can’t give up the should.
When you come to terms with what is, when you fully accept it, all your pain goes away.
Then, and only then, you can work with what you have, rather than wishing for something else, or insisting that something else should be happening.
Non-resistance isn’t giving up your dreams or living a passive life, it simply is seeing the clearest way through. It’s full acceptance of the current situation yes, but it doesn't mean stop walking towards what you want. That's giving up.
You really are the source of all problems and all solutions. When you see how you create all peace or pain in your life you will learn true happiness.
It's all within you - which is cause for rejoicing. You are the one person in the whole world you can actually change.