Doing something out of the ordinary more often gives you so much more Life; life has more love in it, more energy and creativity, more sense of humour. You ride the storms easier. So, don’t forget the love!
Just because the world is doing it, doesn’t mean that it’s a good idea – or that you have to. Faster and faster, chasing the cheese, afraid we’ll miss out …? That’s not really a way to live, is it?
We constantly want to see the top of the stairs, what’s around the corner in the future. But it’s impossible. The only practical – and stress free – way of living life is to take it one step at a time.
Happiness and freedom from over-thinking and reaction can seem like the hardest thing to consistently find in life. But maybe it can be easy when you know exactly what to do to?
Make every second count. Do more? Pack more into each moment? Or make sure you fill each second with something much more deeply satisfying than ‘productivity’?
When it all boils down, life is about love versus fear. Unfortunately for many of us, love never has the chance to gain the upper hand simply because we don’t realise what the game is.
You need times of dark to appreciate the light. It’s a popular idea. That peace can only be known in relation to turmoil. But just because it’s popular, doesn’t make it true. Here’s why …
We're always choosing how we see the world – glass half-full or half-empty? Make a different choice and you change what you see, you change your life. But the wildest part is that the world responds to your choice too. How does it work? I have no idea, but …
Why are you alive? What’s truly important to you? These are critical questions. How can you get clear on these things, so you can stay on track to living the kind of life you want to live?
Never meet your heroes – they will disappoint you, you may even become bitter and twisted. But actually the disappointment is all on us. Here’s how to avoid it.
We say we’d love to do this and that, to go there and experience that, to make a change somehow … but how often do we actually get down and put something into the calendar? Here’s an invitation to stop sleepwalking into a rut.
There is a purpose to suffering. It’s the rumble strip on the edge of the motorway of life – an invitation to head back where the road is smooth and easy
One of the most powerful life choices we can make is also the smallest, and most over-looked. Fully embrace this choice though, and nothing can stop you.
I totally lost it at my daughter – and my anger was righteously justified. Yet when I calmed down, I saw how wrong I was. How could I be so right, and yet so wrong?