Life is a teacher, and like the best teacher it never just gives you the answers; it wants you to learn them. The best learning? Through experience, through finding out yourself.
What if you never gave any more conscious attention to what you don’t want and what could go wrong? What if you made your life a sole celebration of all that is good, right, beautiful and true? What would happen then?
‘Mindfulness’ has become such a buzz word it can lose its meaning in the repetition. Don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be; keep it simple so you can make the most of your moments, any time.
Normality is our society’s commonly accepted path to find stability and ultimately success and happiness. But it’s insanely flawed. There is no stability in anything our society promotes.
Don't make the mistake that so many do. Every step on your journey can be a joyful movement to more. It never needs to be a painful grind through hell.
What gets you out of bed in the morning? What floats your boat, lifts your skirt, puts lead in your pencil? What do you care deeply about? What makes you come alive, truly Alive? These things are more important than you might realise.
‘You are made of the finest stuff’ … strong words you may not believe. But in living a Good life, you have to distrust what your mind says in this matter. It’s a fine servant but a terrible master.
We're always choosing how we see the world – glass half-full or half-empty? Make a different choice and you change what you see, you change your life. But the wildest part is that the world responds to your choice too. How does it work? I have no idea, but …
A true path of self-improvement isn’t about adding much to yourself. It’s dropping everything that’s holding you back. And that often involves the urge to constantly self-improve.
Our untrained brains focus on 9 negatives to every 1 positive. That’s why one of the most important things in life is to train your head so you flip that ratio. Then life transforms, and instantly.
What used to scare me the most was not living the life I was born to live. The heroic pursuit of something “more” has since become a guiding principle, and the people I admire are very clear on this. How about you?