You don’t need to understand a thing

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”

— Albert Einstein


Henry David Thoreau once wrote: “As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.” If you’re like me, you'll have no idea what he is talking about. I saw it quoted somewhere and I was scratching my head for some time … before I gave up.

It sounded like it could be profound, but I really have no idea how.

I could guess, but I really need to study his writing in greater depth, and/or sit down and chat with the fella about what he really means. Which is tricky since he’s nothing but dust and ashes, being dead for some time now.

Yah know … my real ignorance to one side, sometimes “experts” say stuff. Us uneducated peasants sagely nod our heads, while internally we’re going, “What the …?”.

And that is okay.

For what is truly important in life, if you struggle to understand any expert, they probably don’t know what they’re talking about.

The best advice is the simplest. If it’s not simple, it’s not true. If it requires excessive brain power to get, then it’s likely to be unnecessary. Or poorly explained. Or both.

Really, in terms of living complete peace and presence, all the philosophy you need is the reminder to return to this moment.

Make the most of now, be filled with presence. Enjoy this fully.

This is the pathless path back to the very highest form of you.

Your true nature is nothing but goodness. Sit in that and you will live the best life possible. Life will unfold beautifully from now, without needing to be taught the hows.

Taught? In this game, you need just to remember, to go beyond the mind and realise the presence that you already are.

Remember, remember now. Here you are complete, all is well, all is taken care of.

Go well!



Come and learn Ascension.

It’s the very best practice to remember.

Super simple, enjoyable and powerful.

Next course is 28-30 June (starts 7pm Friday).

If you’d like more details, let me know and I’ll get them to you.

Talk soon!