Are you living life, or is life living you? Discover the mindful tools and practices that can help you reclaim balance, break the stress cycle, and create the life you truly want.
Peaceful but also practical – by embracing the present moment and letting go of future worries, you'll find calm, strength, and meaningful connections in life. What a superpower that is.
Peace is not the absence of activity or ambition, noise or busyness. Despite all that, it's letting the mind settle and relax and living from the quiet, still part of us. So much simpler.
Many meditations are about creating some kind of feeling or intention. If I was in an arguing mood, I’d say they are misguided. Within you is a higher wisdom but it can only come through when you stop having an agenda, when you let go.
‘Mindfulness’ has become such a buzz word it can lose its meaning in the repetition. Don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be; keep it simple so you can make the most of your moments, any time.
Imagine if freedom from over-thinking and reacting was a simple and straightforward matter of learning the right tools? Imagine if you could choose to get out of the past and future, and anchor yourself in the aliveness of the present moment. Wouldn’t that be lovely?
You need times of dark to appreciate the light. It’s a popular idea. That peace can only be known in relation to turmoil. But just because it’s popular, doesn’t make it true. Here’s why …
People think meditation is hard because they think it’s about peace. “How can I find peace in the middle of all the noise and chaos and challenge of my life?”, they think. Here’s where they’re making things much harder than they need to be.
There are so many myths about, and poor teaching around, meditation, even experienced meditators can get tied up in knots. Here’s one of the central myths and how to avoid it.
All challenges only become trouble when we get lost in time. The solution to ending all troubles and suffering – every single last one – is to stop time-travelling.