Peace is not the absence of activity or ambition, noise or busyness. Despite all that, it's letting the mind settle and relax and living from the quiet, still part of us. So much simpler.
Being able to change your world is an admirable trait, but on equal footing is the ability to accept what you have no control over. When an emotional past comes back to revisit, resistance only causes more problems. Acceptance and going with is the very thing you need.
Beauty, magic, grace, energy and ease … make them the foundation for your life. Take time to stop and smell the roses. Your missions in life will be so much better for it.
‘You are made of the finest stuff’ … strong words you may not believe. But in living a Good life, you have to distrust what your mind says in this matter. It’s a fine servant but a terrible master.
Intentionally creating your day as you go is so much wiser and such an easier way of living than crashing through it hoping for the best. Here’s some things to remember as you do that.
We constantly want to see the top of the stairs, what’s around the corner in the future. But it’s impossible. The only practical – and stress free – way of living life is to take it one step at a time.
A great magician is a master of making you believe the unreal is real. The trouble is that our minds do this to us constantly; we can get stuck living in a dream-world.
Spiritual satisfaction doesn’t often link with practical effectiveness in life. Yet the two are inextricably linked. Here’s why – and how to have both – so simply.
Imagine if freedom from over-thinking and reacting was a simple and straightforward matter of learning the right tools? Imagine if you could choose to get out of the past and future, and anchor yourself in the aliveness of the present moment. Wouldn’t that be lovely?
Most of us don’t realise the vital and essential importance of regularly withdrawing from the action of life. Now – you can merely take a break; or you can take a break that is a springboard to more. Maximise your precious time and choose the latter.
Make every second count. Do more? Pack more into each moment? Or make sure you fill each second with something much more deeply satisfying than ‘productivity’?
When I talk to people about calm, just about everyone says, ‘Oh, I’d love more calm and peace in my life’. But here’s a question for you: Do you know why you don’t have all the calm you want, right now?
A true path of self-improvement isn’t about adding much to yourself. It’s dropping everything that’s holding you back. And that often involves the urge to constantly self-improve.
Our untrained brains focus on 9 negatives to every 1 positive. That’s why one of the most important things in life is to train your head so you flip that ratio. Then life transforms, and instantly.
Why are you alive? What’s truly important to you? These are critical questions. How can you get clear on these things, so you can stay on track to living the kind of life you want to live?