Derren Brown, master mentalist, and the harmful stories you tell yourself

“Thought can organize the world so well that you are no longer able to see it.”

― Anthony de Mello


A quote for you from the great mentalist / illusionist Derren Brown (from his latest book) …

You see, he’s a master at getting you to see what HE wants you to see,

Therefore missing out on what is ACTUALLY happening in plain sight.

It’s fun – it’s entertaining – it’s a show …

But the troubling thing is that your mind does that to you every single day.

Derren speaks:


“Paying attention to the present moment is our most effective means of undoing the harmful and perpetuating narratives by which we live, by challenging them with the counter-evidence we notice around us.”


To translate, what Derren is talking about is this:

We tell ourselves lies, untruths, fake news, porkies –

and those stories hurt and limit you.

These stories affect everything you do – and don’t do too.

Sometimes, actually in my experience, OFTEN times –

You don’t even notice this relatively steady diet of limitation.

It’s become so normal that you think that voice is the true voice of “You”.

You don’t see what is true in life, you don’t see the beauty of you, the potential –

You believe the stories filled with the negative, what you did wrong, why you can't ...

Simply because your own mind mis-directs you.

Your mind is a master at creating illusions.

Powerful illusions for sure –

But only because you give them power by believing them, only because you don’t stop to examine them.

What is the way out of living a life of illusion? Of believing the fake stories of your own mind?

Get super present –

Then you start to see what is real and what isn’t.

The facts of now can become front and centre of your attention, rather than the stories that take you somewhere else.

Examine your thoughts –

Don’t take them as real,

Take them with a large pinch of salt, until proven to be your ACTUAL experience.

(and then let them go too, because your experience will change quickly on a moment to moment basis).

Now –

Getting present and seeing the stories is just two of the benefits of regularly closing your eyes to meditate.

The gap between what you experience to be true and real –

And what a voice in your head tells you is true and real …

Gets more and more contrasting.

You gain CHOICE through this awareness – and that is a powerful thing in freeing yourself from the Matrix,

From the illusion you’ve believed in your whole life.

The end of stress and negativity, the beginning of real Life.

There’s nothing more powerful to practice on a regular basis.


Free yourself.

Practice meditation and mindfulness.

If you like, I have some guided audios for you to listen along to so you can gain calm awareness in the middle of even the maddest moment.

See my bio for the free download link, or msg me / comment "Interested" and I'll make sure you get them.

Talk soon,

Go well!
