Humanity sells themselves far too short. What if negativity and limitation were in no way a necessary part of the human condition? What if you could be totally free of all suffering? Wouldn’t that be worth investigating?
Peace is not the absence of activity or ambition, noise or busyness. Despite all that, it's letting the mind settle and relax and living from the quiet, still part of us. So much simpler.
‘You are made of the finest stuff’ … strong words you may not believe. But in living a Good life, you have to distrust what your mind says in this matter. It’s a fine servant but a terrible master.
We constantly want to see the top of the stairs, what’s around the corner in the future. But it’s impossible. The only practical – and stress free – way of living life is to take it one step at a time.
A great magician is a master of making you believe the unreal is real. The trouble is that our minds do this to us constantly; we can get stuck living in a dream-world.
What if…?’ – it's such a powerful and visionary question. But what if you could learn to do life free of struggle and suffering? What if your life could be filled with mindfulness, curiosity and total aliveness? Here lies incredible potential – and it's already within you.
All challenges only become trouble when we get lost in time. The solution to ending all troubles and suffering – every single last one – is to stop time-travelling.
We can get so stuck in anticipating an ideal future, we miss out on enjoying the reality of the moment we find ourselves in. If you want the good life, learn to enjoy now – whatever it may contain. This is the fastest path to a life of more.
The most sophisticated teachings are often surprisingly simple; so simple they are taken for granted. Here’s the simplest, and most taken for granted, teaching on how to live a truly good life.
From an early age, we’re led to believe that more effort means more rewards. But in meditation and mindfulness it’s the direct opposite – more effort means less. Here’s how to get what you want from your practice completely effortlessly.