Intentionally creating your day as you go is so much wiser and such an easier way of living than crashing through it hoping for the best. Here’s some things to remember as you do that.
Just because the world is doing it, doesn’t mean that it’s a good idea – or that you have to. Faster and faster, chasing the cheese, afraid we’ll miss out …? That’s not really a way to live, is it?
We constantly want to see the top of the stairs, what’s around the corner in the future. But it’s impossible. The only practical – and stress free – way of living life is to take it one step at a time.
Imagine if freedom from over-thinking and reacting was a simple and straightforward matter of learning the right tools? Imagine if you could choose to get out of the past and future, and anchor yourself in the aliveness of the present moment. Wouldn’t that be lovely?
Happiness and freedom from over-thinking and reaction can seem like the hardest thing to consistently find in life. But maybe it can be easy when you know exactly what to do to?
Most of us don’t realise the vital and essential importance of regularly withdrawing from the action of life. Now – you can merely take a break; or you can take a break that is a springboard to more. Maximise your precious time and choose the latter.
We're always choosing how we see the world – glass half-full or half-empty? Make a different choice and you change what you see, you change your life. But the wildest part is that the world responds to your choice too. How does it work? I have no idea, but …
We say we’d love to do this and that, to go there and experience that, to make a change somehow … but how often do we actually get down and put something into the calendar? Here’s an invitation to stop sleepwalking into a rut.
One of the most powerful life choices we can make is also the smallest, and most over-looked. Fully embrace this choice though, and nothing can stop you.
Living an inspired life isn’t difficult, but it is rare. Here’s a quick exercise to find your own guidance system to living better, free of stress and confusion.
What used to scare me the most was not living the life I was born to live. The heroic pursuit of something “more” has since become a guiding principle, and the people I admire are very clear on this. How about you?