“It’s so important to do more of what you love; but perhaps more so to love all that you do.”
You’re busy, I’m busy, we’re all busy …
And that’s okay. Being on a mission is a great thing.
Just as long as you don’t get hasty, just as long as you don’t start rushing, just as long as you remember why you are busy.
When I was a kid, I had a friend whose parents were farmers.
Her mum was super chilled, doing her bits and bobs, her dad always seemed to be fishing or flying his little micro-light airplane thing.
I still remember asking him how he had so much free time when I thought farming was a 24/7 profession.
“Many farmers live to work. We prefer to work to live”, he said.
I’d like to pass that along to you.
The secret to life is that it all starts with perspective – and you get choose that.
If you keep the right things in perspective, the right decisions fall into place clearly, and it gets balanced, it’s all rewarding …
Your life makes sense.
I have a mission, a purpose – my work is important to me, but I’m very clear that it’s not the only thing.
I don't let it and my to-do list consume my thoughts every waking moment.
Doing stuff is fun and necessary, but remember why you’re doing it.
As always (and I love this) don’t get lost in the urgent tasks. Remember what’s truly important to you.
It makes all of existence soooo much better, trust me.
Part of this – and a thing that is so under-rated – is actually fully and completely being in the same moment as someone.
We can be so busy, we miss out on the people and the moments that we say mean the most to us.
It’s the whole taking them for granted thing.
We think we need to get stuff done and then we can spend time with them and appreciate life.
Isn’t it a sad trap that being an adult means to think “But after this week things will settle down a bit” over and over until you die?
See if you can avoid that. Please.
Appreciate life first and then get stuff done.
Pleasure before business so to speak.
Not necessarily an either/or – it can be at the same time.
Though I appreciate the power of making different choices and doing different things, sometimes the fastest change you can make is to do the same things differently.
Even hard work is enjoyable with the right attitude and the right perspective.
So –
Play with really being in the same moment as the people around you.
Make your moments quality by really showing up.
As an added bonus, see if you can remember that you don’t have to do anything; you get to.
Make yours a spectacular holidays. I really wish you all the best.
Go well and thank you!
Ascension meditation courses for 2024 –
+ Control the negativity, judgement, doubt and fear of your mind
+ Stop worrying about the past and trying to predict the future
+ Get meaning, purpose and clarity to life
+ Be calm, centred and truly alive, whenever and wherever
+ Become 200% better looking and funnier
Come and spend a weekend with me.
(Remember if you've already learnt, it's free to repeat forever!)
Dates for the first half of 2024 –
9-11 February
12-14 April
28-30 June
For more details, reply or send me a quick message on the link below and I can tell you if Ascension will give you want you’re looking for.
Talk soon!