Crystal clear crisp aliveness …

“Wherever you are, at any moment, try and find something beautiful. A face, a line out of a poem, the clouds out of a window, some graffiti, a wind farm. Beauty cleans the mind.”

― Matt Haig


I walked into my kids room this morning as I was on a search and destroy mess mission.

It seemed like an appropriate place to start.

I think I have a pretty low tolerance for clutter, and so every now and then the house reaches this critical state that I have to drop everything and tidy. Then all is well with the world.

For me, clarity of space = clarity of mind.

I can certainly live with clutter but I’d really rather not. Hey, don’t judge me ... hire me! We all have our twerks, don’t we? Ha.

But, I digress.

I walked into their room on a mission – and was halted by their presence.

They were long gone to school, but such a tangible sense of them remained.

It didn’t bring a tear to my eye, but that’s the kind of thing I got, summed up in a cliche … a rising of big love and such deep fondness, and it came quick.

In a moment I was filled with such an injection of Life, of Good, of Yes, of Beauty.

(All in capitals to make them even better!)

Now –

We’re all on our missions, important and urgent – but stopping to smell the roses makes those missions so much more than they could be.

When you’re mindful to the beauty of life, life stops solely being about “I’ll be happy when …”

(So hard to have as a core goal in life because it’s always external to you and always later).

And becomes more balanced with all is well right now, exactly as things are.

This, I think, is Life.

This is the source of your energy, your life force.

This is THE purpose of life, it’s where your lessor purposes come from and are sustained by –

Not merely being alive, but really being Alive.

Such crystal clear and crisp aliveness and awakeness …

Not in a haze of rushing and to-do lists and hangovers and social media …

But anchoring yourself in the beauty of life.


“Many people are alive but don’t touch the miracle of being alive”

— Thich Nhat Hanh


Miracles come from mindfulness.

They really do.

Take my word for it, as a very non-magical kind of guy, magic and miracles are in the eye of the perceiver.

Make a magical life, have more beautiful moments.

Go well!



You’re no doubt wrapped up in festivities and what not, but keep these dates for 2024 in the back of your mind.


Because learning these Ascension techniques really is a way of making a life worth living.

(And remember, you can repeat for free for the rest of your life and it so deepens what you already have.)

I’ve been doing this for over 20 years and so of course I’m biased. It’s my thing – however I hope I have a scrap of objectivity left.

Ascension cuts through the absent-ness of over thinking and worrying and resentment –

And puts you into the heart of the present moment and your presence right here.

It brings you back into Aliveness, back to Life.

Anyhow –

If you’d like more details, reply or send me a quick Facebook message on the link below and I can tell you if Ascension will give you what you’re looking for.

Talk soon!

Dates for the first half of 2024 –

9-11 February

12-14 April

28-30 June