What is Success?

"He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much;

who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children;

who has filled his niche and accomplished his task;

who has left the world better than he found it, whether an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul;

who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had;

whose life was an inspiration;

whose memory a benediction."

— Bessie A. Stanley


Maharishi, my Ascension teacher, sent this out to us Ishayas recently.

I love this question … “What is success?”. You may have heard me go on about it a little – but I go on about it because it's been so important to get clear on for me, and to constantly revisit the question in the different phases of my life.

So – What is success, to you? Because if you don’t know where you are heading, you tend to get lost.

To put it another way, what, as author Simon Sinek asked, is your why?

For me?

I want to show people a true and deep spiritual connection that not only gives them rock-solid peace and acceptance, but courage, wisdom for an effective, alive 200% life.

I want to dive as deep as I can in that myself, and be a guide and inspiration for all those who want the same – maybe through teaching Ascension meditation, but whatever works.

I want to be the best husband, father, family member and friend I can be; I want to write significantly useful words; I want adventure and love and no ordinary moments; I want no compromise.

Your turn:

Why are you alive?

What do you value more than anything?

What do you want to achieve? What kind of difference do you want to make, and to who?

And who do you want to become? What kind of person do you want to be?

In this there are no right answers … because it’s all about you.

All is good, because it's your choice. Your life, your choice! Choose for you, don't choose for what you think you should ... okay?

There is no already existing path for you, you must create your own way forward.

Take your time, get a piece of paper, talk it over with your loved ones.

But in doing so, consider some of these things:

1. When you're anxious about uncertainty and change, what can you do?

It's a world of uncertainty and change. And moving forward can be terrifying. But even in the middle of that, where can you find certainty and stability?

It’s found right here, in your own Being, now – in this moment.

Thinking about “What if?” – all the things that could go wrong and how you think you’re not able to do this – only leads to anxiety and stress and panic.

Sure, you have to make a judgement call in, or near, the beginning about the risks and your abilities, but if you’re in, be fully in. Your commitment creates a kind of magic. So go for it. You’ll learn along the way.

You control your attitude. That is your greatest asset, beyond your connection with your Presence and being.

2. It’s lovely to achieve a goal, but it’s not stepping onto the summit that gives you the most.

It’s what you learnt and who you became along the way as you travelled towards the top; it’s the becoming better through consistently moving forward.

So often we think “When I get there, then …” – we delay all for the moment of achievement. But the fact is, by far the greatest achievement isn’t in an external measure, but an internal becoming. And that happens in every step on the journey.

Hence, the beauty of the saying, “Trust and enjoy the process” – keep going, because the process is where you find the treasure.

3. I recently learnt that the word “Hero” at its root, means “Protector”.

Maybe heroism isn’t just about the kind of bravery where you overcome your fears and make great strides forward, but maybe it's also about protecting and building?

I get the image of an umbrella, or a giant tree that provides a canopy, protecting and creating a space where the smaller ones can grow and establish themselves.

Being of service and making a difference is a very important part of any feelings of fulfilment in life.


So, a little something on getting clear on, and remembering, what is truly important to you. Take some time over it.

Why not? There's nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Hope this has been worthwhile – let me know if I can help with it.

Go well,
