“No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.”
— Nietzsche
Freedom, detaching from the Matrix, owning one’s self … such a fine way to live.
Imagine being free of limitation and negativity? Not only so simple and easy, but beautifully alive and effective.
Meditation and mindfulness are lovely ways of having a better relationship with your mind and its shenanigans – the self-criticism, judgement, expectation, frustration and fear.
Many have found solace and sanctuary in the present moment, respite from the past and the chaos of what might happen.
But I think this is small beans compared to the potential of an inner practice – and if you don’t know what you can get you won’t get after it.
Here’s the thing…
The point of an inner practice can be far greater than temporary respite.
You can completely ascend beyond all fear, all loathing, all limitation, all blah, meh, ‘why?’, and grrrr. All of it.
You can.
You can live a life totally free of the ego, be immersed in the world but in no way of it, totally full and complete, so deeply connected to an inner truth every waking moment can be described as vital and alive, and so far beyond suffering it’s not funny …
… If you take the invitation.
It’s a heroic quest, a true adventure, so it’s not for the easily put off.
But, although no price is too high to pay for discovering what it’s like to truly be alive, rest assured it doesn’t involve any hardship or giving anything up, except for limitation and negativity.
The whole journey can be nothing but the ever deepening of inner calm and outer aliveness.
The beautiful thing is, fundamentally, you already are what you’re looking for. You’ve just forgotten how to access and be that permanently.
You had a fine idea when you were young, you just forgot – that’s all.
In this inner journey, you will be shown the way, but to the clarity of your intention. If this interests you, buy in. Be all in; make that a priority and your intention.
Stay aligned with what you truly want most from life and life will bend over backwards to happen for you.
Alrighty? It’s true, it’s not just a random occurrence. It can become permanent, not just something fleeting.
But you have to get after it.
Now –
If you want assistance, I can help you find this. I can show you the way.
To this, I have three spaces for one-one mentoring open, and if you want to know more details, please get in touch.
I’ll let you know how I work and you can see if this is something for you.
Reply, comment, send me a short message and I’ll get back to you.
Whatever you do, go well!
If mentoring isn’t your thing, don’t forget I have a whole Ascension weekend coming soon, 28-30 June (starts 7pm).
Again, get in touch for more details.
Talk soon!