"The man who puts up a sail is using magic. He lets nature do it for him, with the intelligence to use a sail, you see? Now, that is the most highly skillful art of all; that is Taoism in perfection."
— Alan Watts
Do less and get more?
Doesn’t everything get sold on this promise?
10 minute abs become 3 minute abs … because three minutes is better! Do less and get more!
Yet when does that actually work? The promise is always sweeter than the reality.
Our society is also formed on the good old solid Protestant work ethic:
Work hard, deny now and get your rewards later.
We celebrate the grind. That is what gets things done.
So when I talk about doing less and getting more, it seems to many like cheating,
That it’s downright lazy, even an irresponsible idea.
People do say I’m delusional, indulging in wishful thinking and spiritual babble.
As Arthur C Clarke once wrote, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”.
The art of not forcing, controlling, grinding and yet still getting places, (or, as Alan Watts put it, the art of sailing vs the art of rowing), can seem like magic in action.
But maybe what I’m talking about is just a more advanced technology for living?
Look –
Be skeptical but not cynical.
Try it out.
Assume that force, control, grind, over-thinking is not necessary to get what you want, ever.
You don't want to be "on" all the time.
Being present is far more valuable to you than thinking all the time about what you have to do next.
And when you see yourself doing things tough, back off.
Doing less isn’t about not doing, but doing from a different place.
Master the art of action without resistance, and there you will find a magical way of living.
The more you practice, the more you can flow with life and get wherever you’re looking to get to better than you could ever plan,
And all for zero struggle and strain and force.
It's so worthwhile.
It may be counter to everything you've ever learnt and now believe about making the kind of difference you want to make in the world, but it doesn't make it wrong.
Give it a shot, you may well enjoy it.
If you really want to master this kind of effortless doing, I really recommend you learn Ascension meditation with me.
It’s so simple to find that zone of living, with the right tools and understanding.
Come and learn and you’ll see.
At any rate –
Back off. Do less and get more.
Go well!
The next Ascension course is 7-9 July.
Come and join us and learn magical technologies for living better!
Let me know if you’re interested.