
“The menu is not the meal.”

— Alan Watts


What’s your favourite food?

Do you remember the last time you sat around talking about it without actually launching in and eating it?

Here’s a curiosity for you –

In life there are those who want to measure and study something from a distance and then there are those – bless their souls – who want to get face first in and experience it. Taste it!

Take chocolate – or a fine whisky – or a sunny day – or anything you love ... you can analyse the bejangles out of it OR you can get down and immerse yourself in it.

Just read the menu and think about it or fully dive in and experience it, taste it? What would you prefer?

I know what I prefer – the direct experience of the thing.


Meditation and mindfulness … it is a simple method back to the direct experience of your natural, unbounded state of simplicity, peace and aliveness.

Simplicity is the height of gloriousness.

Simplicity is good, simplicity is true, simplicity is what you deserve. Complication, on the other hand, kills all enthusiasm, and I believe, denotes wanting to measure something rather than actually face-first experience it.

Here’s something else to add to the mix:

Being stress free is your natural state of being.

Meditation, believe it or not, is your natural state of being. Mindfulness and awareness is your natural state of being. Being content and calm and clear with a half-step back is your natural state of being.

Kids do it - you’ve forgotten it. That is all. Don’t complicate this, please don’t … there’s absolutely no need. It’s the simplest thing in the world. And there’s no need to think about it … experience it!

Experience now. This is it. You cannot think about it, you can only do it. Freedom from all suffering lies within you, right here, right now.

If you have a “formal” meditation practice, great. If you practice Ascension, awesome. If you do “the pause” and regularly go beyond your mind as you listen to music (or silence) or drink tea or read or breathe or exercise or knit then wonderful.

Whatever you do, switch off regularly, get to know the comfort and the calm that comes with your own presence. Go from there and you are golden.

Keep it simple, and just do it, ok?

Go well!



Come and learn Ascension. Seriously, it’s a powerful yet simple set of tools to have a direct experience of peace, clarity, aliveness.

It’s the very best practice to remember.

Next course is coming soon – 28-30 June (starts 7pm Friday).

If you’d like more details, let me know and I’ll get them to you.

Talk soon!