"Finding yourself is not really how it works. You aren’t a ten-dollar bill in last winter’s coat pocket. You are also not lost. Your true self is right there, buried under cultural conditioning, other people’s opinions, and inaccurate conclusions you drew as a kid that became your beliefs about who you are. Finding yourself is actually returning to yourself. An unlearning, an excavation, a remembering who you were before the world got its hands on you."
— Emily McDowell
When I was getting into this mindfulness and meditation malarkey, I was a little apprehensive.
Not of the results — being content in my own skin, having a connection with rightness, with that deep sense of “Me” and others around me, being more alive to Life itself... that didn’t make me nervous at all.
I wanted more of that, more of the time.
What made me uncertain was a belief — and I don’t know where I picked it up — that if I wanted more of the good stuff, I’d have to give up something, a lot of things.
Ambition, pleasure, fun — I don’t really know — but I thought there was stuff that wasn’t “Good”; stuff I liked that I would have to give up to gain a life I loved.
Same with you.
I mean, the term “Zen Master”...
What do you picture?
Despite the stereotype, it doesn’t need to involve caves and/or mountaintops and cross-legged yoga poses and talking in riddles while renouncing the world and its pleasures.
The fact is, everyone has an inner Zen master — everyone, even you with your love of coffee, raucous laughter, and “just one more” Netflix binges.
When you’re being more of this inner enlightened One, you are more alive, more connected, more courageous, more patient, more compassionate, more wise, more fully and completely You — without apologies.
You without editing, without restriction, without second-guessing, truly content in your own skin. Just You.
You realise you don’t have to give up a single thing. You are, in yourself and everything you love, whole and complete. In that, all your dodgy habits and sharp reactions and avoidances just fade away.
You understand that life doesn’t have to be dodged or fought anymore; instead, you accept the invitation to dance. Which is what life has been asking you to do since before you were born.
You can’t dance wrong, be too late, miss out on something vital. It’s impossible. It’s a dance... your Dance.
That is to say, my wonderful friend who has made it this far, your dance is completely unique. Whole and loving of who you are. An invitation to joyfully head into more, not restrict yourself to less and less.
So whatever you think a spiritual path might entail, it’s probably wrong. Don’t let any idea of who you should be get in the way of being who you actually are.
Go well,
Now, being You more might well take a little practice.
Ascension is one of the useful tools to practice that I recommend – ridiculously simple and yet gracefully powerful.
It’s important that you know that you practice Ascension not to get good at Ascension, but to get good at being You.
It’s incredibly useful and practical for your life.
If you’d like to know how to get on the next course, let me know and I’ll get you the details.
One last in person meditation and mindfulness workshop this week if you’re nearby Richmond, North Yorkshire.
Saturday 13 July 10-11.30am
All proceeds are going to charity – so if you feel to, help me spread the word.
Full details are here:
Or ask and I’ll get them to you!