"Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less."
— CS Lewis
Imagine waking up, looking in the mirror, and instead of nitpicking every flaw, you smile and think, “You know, I feel good. It’s so good to be alive.”
Imagine having gratitude and ease as your default setting instead of “Must do better.” That’s the beauty of being content in your own skin. It’s not just profound; it’s incredibly practical too.
When you develop the skill of contentment, you literally think of yourself less, as CS Lewis writes. Thinking less means you can live more.
How much energy do we spend in our discontent? An untold amount.
Not only is it about who we are and think we should be, but we also spend so much time thinking about what others are thinking, saying, and doing.
Saturated in social media comparison, that friend’s constant humble bragging, your aunt’s unsolicited advice about your career, kids, diet, or fashion choices—it’s exhausting and depressing when you think it matters.
Last night, I led a mindfulness workshop and asked the participants what they wanted from the evening. One said, “I’d love to quieten my mind,” cue general nodding of heads and murmurs of agreement.
Finding freedom from overthinking and overanalysing is rare, yet beautiful.
Here’s the thing –
Don’t let it find you; go find it. It’s a skill that you can get better at by practicing the right things.
There’s two parts.
First, know that learning, growing, and improving are wonderful. But you must learn to be content with the journey, not just the end result. Make it about the process, not the destination.
Second, really know yourself and what’s important to you. Without the precious time spent in self-reflection, you’re like a monkey on a chain, pulled in all directions.
Finding out what you’re about means external pressures slide off you. You listen to your inner wisdom and take direction from that. Others’ opinions still matter, but you have the most important vote.
Know yourself.
Look –
Contentment isn’t sexy in a world of “more and better,” but it’s a necessary counterbalance.
Peace of mind and freedom from external pressure are so invaluable. Being captain of your own ship is an incredible way to live – and is a powerful guide for those watching how you do things.
Take time to practice and get better. You won’t regret it.
Go well,
And if I can help with that, let me know.
I’ve got some open spaces in my calendar so if you’d like a session with me, comment or DM me and we’ll organise it.
Talk soon!