You’re going to make it

“Don’t be afraid. You’re going to make it, but it’s always going to feel as if you’re not. That’s the fun you see!”

— Alan Watts


“Some fun!”, you might say, but maybe you will call it fun one day?


Well, when you start to take your mind with a pinch of salt, replying “Maybe” in return to whatever new fear it brings up, you get some space.

Space to rest, to consider what is true, to breathe and realise that whatever has and might happen, now is okay.

And maybe, just maybe, if you can stay with this calmer, more centred approach, you'll see that's the way to face any future that will come your way.

Maybe is a great response, it’s a true response. Because you really just don’t know. Instead of catastrophizing, you can be open – and openness is space, and space is easier than panic, and about a million times more enjoyable.

But you got here, and that’s worth a lot — you probably don’t give yourself credit for surviving and working it out and coming through to this point.

You’ll do the same going forward.

You will … and in the process, you’ll become more understanding, kinder to yourself and others, more patient, wiser and more free.

Because the real gift is realising that all the over thinking and anticipating that you do …

It hasn’t made a scrap of difference.

As someone once said, “Only worry if it helps” – and when has it ever made a difference?

All the struggle and trying to control doesn’t work.

It just gives you a headache while you can’t sleep and miss out on the precious moment in front of you.

So what I’m trying to say, is leave the future alone for a mo – assume that you’ll make it.

Instead, relax into now. Trust it. Don’t worry about what may or may not, bring yourself back to here.

This you can do. Any other time and place you cannot.

It’s going to be okay, it’s going to work out – sometimes in the wildest of ways, ways you could never of dreamed of – but it will work out.

Relax into now. Do what you can. Enjoy what you have.

Why not give it a shot? You can always go back to trying and straining and controlling and over-thinking, right?

Give it a whirl. You’ll find you can do more for less effort, and that is a happy thing indeed.

Good luck exploring, and let me know how I can help.

Go well,



The best way I know of to reduce control and struggle and increase appreciation for life as it is right now?

Ascension meditation.

A fine set of tools for your work in ending over thinking.

Super simple, enjoyable and powerful.

Next course is 12-14 April (starts 7pm Friday).

If you’d like more details, let me know and I’ll get them to you.

Talk soon!