“We see the world not as it is, but as we are.”
— Anais Nin
I’ve been hearing a lot lately about “reality” …
As in how reality is a certain, absolute way, as in, “you’d better wake up to reality” …
As in you should stop believing that there’s Good woven into every corner of creation and it wants nothing but the very best for you and everyone on this planet…
That life is necessarily hard and suffering is part of the deal, so you better bite down – don’t look for transcendence, don’t seek to be better, don’t look to be so far gone from negativity you become love itself.
Statements like this can feel like they have a truth, that this is the way things are.
But are they?
Our minds are powerful. Belief is powerful. What you focus on, grows. You get what you expect.
And so, I say you get to decide what reality is like for you.
Fear, scarcity, struggle and suffering?
Or joy, bounty, ease, grace and more?
Hell, or heaven?
I just want to say don’t believe the naysayers.
If you have a dream that involves an existence (inner and outer) of beauty and expansion and joy and love …
Then keep that sacred.
The potential for you to be glorious, to recognise your pre-existing glory, is indeed a sacred thing.
Keep it as such.
The only thing you have to fear is fear itself. The only thing that will stop a dream becoming you is your doubt that the dream can come true.
So far, so very fairy tale.
But that’s my dream …
Heaven doesn’t need to be a far off place; heaven doesn’t need to be “when” … and I’d like everyone to know that.
You can create heaven on earth right here, right now. And you need not do a single thing, except drop all the judgement, the resistance, the past/future, the fear and the doubt and the frustration …
And really be alive to now, and to who you really are.
So simple, so sacred, but in the beginning so fragile. Protect your peace, protect your vision for Life, it's worthy of looking after.
Go well,
Come and learn Ascension.
It’s the very best practice for a life filled with beauty and love and Good.
Super simple, enjoyable and powerful.
Next course is 28-30 June (starts 7pm Friday).
If you’d like more details, let me know and I’ll get them to you.
Talk soon!